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Since i became a non believer 10 years ago i notice there are very few black non believers. It seems 2 be a very big taboo among many of us. Beliefs seem 2 be so deeply ingrained traditionally that many look 2 be just 2 plain scared 2 even question or openly express doubt in them 4 fear of a major backlash.

There's enough oppression 2 have 2 deal with in life already why oppress ourselves? I've seen families torn apart, children disowned, and couples split over clashes in belief. My mother thinks i'm crazy and under the influence of Satan for not believing. And no matter how much logic, reason, common sense, and science i drop on family & friends, they still look at me as if i have a problem, while still hitting me with the same old tired cliche' responses.

I find it amazing how people who literally believe in stories about talking donkeys, Noah's ark, and dead people rising can look at me like something's wrong with me for thinking rationally. And why is it that so many in the black community expect everyone else 2 just accept christianity (and in some cases Islam) without question? It blows my mind! I thought slavery ended 245 years ago, what's wrong with freeing your mind? Father, Son, & Holy Ghost....? No thanx, logic, reason, and common sense, that's my trinity! PEACE

Sex: M
State: GA
Country: USA
Became a Christian: 13
Ceased being a Christian: 25
Labels before: CHURCH OF CHRIST
Why I left: WISED UP
Email Address: durrell924 at yahoo dot com


Anonymous said…
So why is it that all you ex Christians are so angry most of the time, and that those people of faith are not? And how can you be so bold as to think that in your short life span here in the second millennium you and your precious logic, reason, and common sense, have discovered the truth, and that the majority of the world before YOU has been misguided and brainwashed!? Man, you all must be the true geniuses, the true messiahs of the world, come to break the chains of thousands of years of belief and experience! I ought to put my faith into you than eh? hehe. Agnostics I don't mind so much, but Atheists live in the smallest possible bubble, even though they talk about having a free mind, they have closed their mind to any concept of truth, and wish to take the humanity out of humans, and the hope out of millions. "It is the fool that sayeth in his heart, There is no God"
boomSLANG said…
Anony-non inquires: So why is it that all you ex Christians are so angry most of the time...

Why?..because many of us have spent considerable portions of our lives believing a LIE. That's why. Worse, this lie--the religious meme known as "Christianity"--was planted and propagated by people we trusted, including our own families. Furthermore, right now, as we speak, "people of faith" are blowing each other into confetti over which "faith" is the one "True Faith".

Now, as a "faithful" person..does that thought give you comfort?...does it give you "peace" knowing that both sides are willing to kill for their "faith", yet, neither side can substantiate their "faith"? Innocent women and children are collateral damage. Do you "get" this?

continues...[why is it] that those people of faith are not[angry]?

Here's a couple of "wild guesses": Because ignorance is bliss? Because they are too worried about getting into the next life to consider the ramifications for the here and now?

Anony': And how can you be so bold as to think that in your short life span here in the second millennium you and your precious logic, reason, and common sense, have discovered the truth, and that the majority of the world before YOU has been misguided and brainwashed!?

Um, the "majority of the world" at one time believed that the Earth was flat; that bird's blood healed leprosy; that spittle cured blindness; that disease was caused by "evil spirits"; that a "firmament" held up the sky; that thunder was the "voice of God", etc., etc. Furthermore, this logic and reason that you admonish; this logic and reason you are apparently against, created all of the modern convenieces that have made your live easier, too... not just the people who do consider logic "precious". Honestly, if your child gets sick, will you take them to a medical doctor?..or a witch doctor? I'm curious.

Anony': Man, you all must be the true geniuses, the true messiahs of the world, come to break the chains of thousands of years of belief and experience!

Really now, it doesn't take "geniuses" to determine that Allah doesn't exist, right? How about Buddha? No, just some decent reasoning skills, right? Right. The problem is, you won't apply the same reasoning skills that you use to dismiss all those "other" gods, when it comes to your "precious" Jesus. You are simply compartmentalizing, and don't even know it.

Anony': I ought to put my faith into you than eh? hehe.

Try to put some faith in yourself? hehe

Anony': Agnostics I don't mind so much, but Atheists live in the smallest possible bubble...

Learn your definitions before you speak, m'kay? There are "Agnostic" non-believers, as well as "Agnostic" believers.

Anony': ...even though they[Atheists] talk about having a free mind, they have closed their mind to any concept of truth, and wish to take the humanity out of humans, and the hope out of millions.

That is an utterly absurd statement. But congratulations--- at least you're consistant. The objective search for "truth" means accepting the results even if the results are undesirable. 'Get it? Futhermore, yes, we ARE free-minded enough to search for answers for the betterment of humanity, when conversely, the Theist presumably has the answers in their "Holy" hand-book. Thus, it is like a ball and chain. That doesn't sound too "free" to me, pal.

Anony quotes: "It is the fool that sayeth in his heart, There is no God"

...the wise man says it to the world!!!
eel_shepherd said…
An angry anonymous (can I be the first to name him? Can I?) wrote:
"...And how can you be so bold as to think that in your short life span here in the second millennium..."

Second millenium from what?

"...and that the majority of the world before YOU has been misguided and brainwashed!?..."

Whereas you think that the people prior to two millenia ago were misguided and brainwashed? Pretty selective in your window of nonbrainwashedness, aren't you?

"..`It is the fool that sayeth in his heart, There is no God'"

This is one of my "favourite" biblical quotes. Are you at all aware of just how empty it is? It is the topic sentence for a paragraph, except that then there is no accompanying paragraph. No explanation, no line of reason, no nothing. Just straight up name calling: You nonbelievers are fools. Oh yeah? Well, you're a bad person, nyah nyah.

Wuh, my narcolepsy's setting in... can feel it... must get... zzzzzzz...

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