
Showing posts from March, 2002

Questions From Born Again Fundamentalist Christians

by Mike McClellan The Questions What was your "born-again" and spiritual experience? What caused you to leave the born again fundamentalist religious persuasion? What were the questions you had? Are those the only questions? Perhaps they can be explained How does one "discern" the "things of the spirit" as taught by most born again Christians? Where has your quest for spiritual truth led you? Why don't you forget about logic and knowledge? Just place your faith in God and His Word What are your spiritual beliefs now? Any advice for those who have similar feelings and questions? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What was your 'born-again' and spiritual experience? I was saved' in 1960 after my father died. His death brought home the fact that one day we all face death. I was devastated by his loss and began to be concerned about my own soul. I had an intense interes

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OPENING NOTE: It’s important that I note a couple of things about my family and myself because it says a lot of how I came to freethought. The first is that though my mother is very much into the Lord, she is the one who ultimately gave me the gift of skepticism. She has never believed in palm readers, fortune tellers or anything of the sort and always obliged me the opportunity to research what it is that I believe in before I chose it. She has never forced me nor my siblings to accept anything that we didn’t wish to accept. She never browbeat me with a bible and scripture; it was just a silent way of life for us. She does believe that churchgoers are on the high end of moral values and encourages Sunday worship and works in the church as a way of life. She is a BIG BELIEVER IN THIS! (I can understand that) I don’t think that she would be all of that surprised to hear where I am right now. Hurt, but not surprised. They expect anything from me. The second thing is that I have be

Losing Jesus and Finding Myself

I don't remember the exact time I lost my faith. I am sure many reformed Christians can give you a date but with me, it was a process and a very slow one at that. As early as I can remember I went to church, I stared vacantly at Sunday school teachers every morning and let my mind wander. My mother dragged my brother Grant and I to just about every Presbyterian Church in this city trying to find a church that was "Right for her." I can't even remember most of the churches names but I have lots of memories of playing with other children at church functions and gatherings. As a young child I was never concerned with god or Jesus, I believed in them but I never really gave them much thought... As much as I believed in god and Jesus, I hated church with a passion. I used to hide under my covers when I was little and hope my mother had overslept and I would have the incredible good fortune to spend my Sunday morning watching cartoons. In my mind I have dozens and dozens of

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