Jesus is the Sun

sent in by Pablo

I was born into a non religious family my father was raised catholic and my mother Church of England, her mother was and still is a scripture teacher, but we only attended church for weddings, baptisms and funerals.

If Christianity was ever discussed my father always had the same catch phrase "it's all based on pagan myth" , I had no idea what he was talking about and continued to ignore him as it was blissful.

When I was 16 my friends and I joined a church group as we saw it as being an opportunity to meet girls our age. The church group had pulled the chairs out of the top level of a double-decker bus and replaced them with bean bags. Every Thursday night it would fill up with teenage boys and girls. They would drive us around the streets and take us to parks to play games, take us to see Christian rock groups and even away camping for weekends.

But at the end of every night the fun would come to an end

we where asked to come inside and listen to an elder read from the bible and on camps we where asked to fill in books to make sure we where listening.

Many times during these sermons a group of us would sneak off and sit under the church and smoke cigarettes and make out.

I believed at the time that it was all just harmless fun and didn’t think it would have any long term effect on me I was totally unaware that these people where actually getting inside my head...

I began praying every night that my father would convert to Christianity I was absolutely terrified that he would die before converting and that I would never see him again in heaven. I was really, really scared that he was going to HELL.

But gradually over many years things started to unravel and the truth was finally exposed.

It began when I came across a book on Greek mythology I learned of “Hades" who was the Greek lord of the dead and the ruler of the nether world. I remember thinking how interesting this was that the term is so similar to the Christian hell and Satan.

So I concluded that as this story was older then Christianity the Christians must have borrowed this concept for their story on hell and the devil.

I could live with this as even I was guilty of little plagiarism every now and then in my school assignments no problems..

A few years later I came across a book on Sumerian mythology and read of a flood which was similar to the story of Noah, however this story predated the Noah by thousands of years. I then learned that Hindu and many other cultures had similar stories of a deluge and all of these stories predated the Christian version by thousands of years.

So I concluded as any rational person could only do that the Noah story had to have been made up based on one of these older stories of the deluge and that the Christians had borrowed one more thing from much older myths.

I could live with this no problems.

Then one day I came across an article about the true origins of Easter and how it was originally celebrated by pagans and was called “Eastre/Ishtar/ostara " where a woman runs into the forest and turns into a hare and then she mates, it is basically a fertility rite welcoming spring.(There are various versions of this story however they all are based on the fact that it is spring)

When I learned about this it really took the wind out of me as I had whole heartedly believed that Easter was an original Christian celebration the time Christ had died and resurrected.

I concluded that yes us Christians had borrowed again from pagans and made this spring ritual the time of Christ’s death and resurrection , maybe he died and resurrected later in the year but these pagans are use to having a holiday at this time of year so we will slot in here...

I could live with this and I did...

One day I read about "Mithraism" this was a pagan religion which was big in Rome at the same time as Christianity, it's followers lived in the rural areas and where known as "Paganus"

Hold the fort what paganus (pagans) where country dwellers I thought they worshippers of the devil, not farmers.

What was interesting to learn was Mithra's birthday was 25 December, hey isn’t that the same date as Jesus? Probably just a coincidence, I suspected.

I could live with this...

I went on to learn about 28 sons of a god who celebrated their birthday's on 25 December who walked on water, performed miracles, born of virgins, 12 disciples , etc all with the same or very similar narratives to the story of Jesus...

So now I finally understood what my father meant when he said that Christianity is based on pagan myths.

From that day on there could have only been one way I could continue being a Christian and that would have been for me to rationalize this way.

All 28 godmen with the same or similar narrative to Jesus from various cultures who where all sons of god, born a virgin birth, performed miracles, walked on water , 12 disciples, 25 Dec. birthday, the light of the world, died and resurrected, these must all be just myths and not real.

But the exact same story of Jesus is literal truth...

It's like Christianity being replaced today by a new religion and this new religion just takes the stories from Christianity it makes them their own by changing the names of characters , in 2 thousand years people start questioning why there son of god has the same story as this Jesus guy from the old Christian religion. But believers of this new religion don’t want to know about this Jesus guy because he was not the real son of god our new guy he is the real deal he's the son of god... It's really quite ridiculous.

I still pray to a god /universe/ higher force but no longer am I afraid of my father going to a Christian hell as this is all it is a fictional place created by Christians to scare it's own members, my dad was never part of the club so he had nothing to worry about to begin with.

Joined at 16
Left at 25
Converted to meet girls
De-converted because I read the truth


Perry said…

I suggest you add to your reading list the stories told by Joseph Campbell. He did video series which was broadcast on public TV in USA and can be obtained on DVD from Mystic Fire, USA. Perhaps even locally?

You may not see the need, given where you've got to, but Campbell does a great job describing the what, why, where, when and hows of mythology. And the relationships they have with religions. I have all six 1 hour interviews and I strongly recommend them to you.
Anonymous said…
I suggest you add to your reading list the stories told by Joseph Campbell.

Hi perry,
yes I'm a big fan of JC (Joesph Campbell) I have a few of his books and I'm a member of his yahoo group forum.

The other author which I really like is Acharya her book "The Christ Conspiracy"

was the book which explained to me
the signifigance of the godmens birthdays on the 25 december..

You sound as if you know this already but if others dont here it is...

The SUN appears to stop at the solstice hence the word Sol=SUN Stice=still and then moves again 3 days later on the 25 dec...

The ancients believed the sun had died and then 3 days later it was reborn..The whole story is about the suns movements through the heavens it became personified into a story of man..

The sun passes through 12 signs of the zodiac hence why all godmen have 12 disciples in their stories

I explained already the signifigance between why they all die and resurrect.

Jesus says he was the light of the world maybe they are talking about the sun again here.

Christians still worship on SUNday.

Some people have suggested that the reason for the virgin birth is that the farmers would observe the sun each year starting from when it was in the virgo constellation, but from reading ancient mythology you only need to understand that virgin births where not uncommon
it is in so any myths therefore proof that the jesus story is just another copy from one of these earlier stories..

But I will look out for the audio for JC's six 1 hour interviews I can hear it over and over again
as it all so interesting..
Anonymous said…
Great story Pablo.There are many simularities to astrology,..for instance ,..the 12 zodiacs and the 12 apostles.You could go on and on and on....well we all get the point! You are very lucky to escape the lie ,...cheers to your dad for telling you the truth!
P.S. read the"Laughing Jesus" by Freke & Gandy.It goes into how and who plagerized the old pagan myths.
SpaceMonk said…
Hi Pablo,

This is one of my favourite topics too. Though I wouldn't recommend Acharya S. She tends to go overboard in her claims, with no foundation to support them.
If you try and check up on those 28 god-men who are supposedly identical to Jesus you will be disappointed.
It's a shame, but the basic theme of the pagan transitions is correct, especially relating to holy days.

I like this site better for the same type of material:
It's much better supported with references.

I also like this guys research into the zodiac and astrology in christianity:

Also, about Virgo and Pisces, it's interesting that they are opposite each other on the zodiac wheel. This relates to the parable of the loaves and fishes, where Pisces is obviously the fishes and Virgo is usually shown as the virgin holding shafts of wheat, providing bread.

It's also interesting to me that the latest discovery in a prison ground in Israel of an ancient christian church is getting christians all excited because it is one of the earliest known. Yet strangely it has no crosses, but does have a mosaic of two fishes. Supposedly this is because of the Icthos fish symbol for Jesus, but it is depicted exactly as in the symbol for Pisces...
Ian said…
Hi Pablo!

You've come to the same conclusion that I have: That christianity borrowed a LOT of elements from other faiths, especially when it comes to Jesus. When I saw all the similarities between Christianity and many other faiths that precedded it, that pretty much sealed the deal for me on how "original" christianity is.

You might want to check out the book "The Jesus Mysteries: Was the original Jesus a pagan God?" by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy. Though some of the research may be questionable, it does make an excellent case that much of Jesus's life was borrowed and copied from other mythologies.
Steven Bently said…
Actually the solar Sun above us is our God, without it, none of us would be here today, without it, we would all soon perish.

I think this is actually how the Son of God got started, it would have been more widely accepted 2000 years ago, to build a fictional story on a supreme being, than to build a story based on a real physical object, because science was considered as being demonic and evil, and the Godly inspired scriptures were handed down from their forefathers, and we must never question the written word of our forefathers, a deadly sin!
Anonymous said…
There's a reason why the "Son" is portrayed as having rays of light streaming out from him.
SpaceMonk said…
...and when he dies he goes to the 'underworld', before rising again...
Anonymous said…
I came across these postings and I am just curious. In 1997 I learned that the "christians" today are worshipping a papan god. I know the truth about Christmas, Easter, and how the myths of ancient Babylon, Assyria, Greece and Rome have all the same things as the christian. Born of a virgin, resurrection, heaven and hell, sacrifice, atonement. And yet I have a question for you. I believe that the our exsistance was created by God and that his whole creation tells the one story of his wonderful works, The moon, sun, and stars all have been here since the beginning. We know that man is evil and not good, just take a look around. I believe that GOD fortold his story in the stars, and that men perverted it so that when the truth was told they would not believe. Of course I believe that it is God that has to cause you to see, hear, believe, obey. Nothing pre-dates creation. Man is "after" God. Just because men perverted the story of Christ thousands of years before Christ came does not mean that the prophecy told in the stars has no value. I believe the words of the bible. False christians don't know what they are doing is paganism. I didn't know it when I was in it. The world is in an apostasy. It has been sold "the most subtil beast" as the Saviour of the world. I have no doubt from studying mythology and ancient customs that it all is man's imagination and perversion of the TRUTH. Just because someone wrote their own perverted version before the truth was published doesn't make it more true or valuable. The fact that mythology has all the elements of the truth yet it is grossly ridiculous should show that it is of human interpretation. The church in america today is vile. I usually discourage people from going. My question in all soberness of mind is this. How do you know that this isn't the case? That God ordained that the creation would declare his works(psm 19:1-6 and psm 97:6) and men would pervert it, and then God would cause the true church to be those he predestinated to be conformed to the image of his Son. Rom 8:29. The first shall be last and the last first, many are called but few are chosen.
Anonymous said…
congratulations, its good that you woke up and stop investing your time on a bunch of out dated myths that the average person dont have a clue about. i used to waste time reading the babble and going to church. since i found out through research, now i know that the bible stories are told in the "heavens" ...aka astrology. now i foung free time to invent my website.
Anonymous said…
Checkout Zeitgeist the movie at, it tells all about this and other things
funknatious said…
I second the movie 'Zeitgeist' ( as it explains the origins of the religious myths based upon sun worship.

I enjoyed your post because it pointed out the obvious logical conclusion-

If 'hell' was a man made concept that was adopted into Christianity to convert the Pagans, then it is a false man made delusion.

If a plan of salvation depends soley on the existence of 'hell', and hell is a man made concept...then ultimately there is nothing to be 'saved from'...and salvation is also a man made delusion used largely to control others.

Living a good, moral life is NOT dependent upon religion. Most people learned to live in harmony LONG before Christianity, or other religions existed.
Unknown said…
I scanned a lot of what is written and I have a little feedback.

#1 The bible was not originally written in Greek it was Hebrew.

#2 Yahshua was not born on Dec 25th. That is a lie.

#3 Easter and the other holidays are modern day idolatry and heathen activity. Unfortunately, it has been accepted among those that call themselves Christians

#5 Everything in our world has a deeper meaning. For example, the atom blown up large looks like the solar system. The way we function does is universal therefore the symbolism of the sun and the son is not as bad as it seems

#6 The Zodiac is irrelevant to a people without sexual discipline. If you care to know why ask.

#7 Three is known as the number of completion

#8 People that call themselves Christians worship on Sundays but true followers of Christ worship everyday

#9 Greek mythology did not exist before the bible. Understand, the book was written before Yahshua arrived and prophets walked the earth long before he arrived

#10 Since you want to make the comparison between Jesus (Yahshua and the sun) look at it this way. Without the sun everybody dies and there is no resurrection, the death is eternal. Without the sun you have no guide. Without the son you die an eternal death and you don't have a guide.

#11 The zodiac has nothing to do with animals or fish. These are symbols that man applied to a science that cannot be perfected by man. Understand, the solar system existed before man and will exist after man is gone.

#12 If you beleive that we have reached the 2000 year mark and you want Jesus to leave. Maybe he will but he's gonna take those that choose to follow him with him and those that want to stay will behind will be left in the dark with the dead.

#13 One should study like their life depends on it before coming to such drastic conclusions and even when you conclude you better ask the Lord for mercy if you are wrong because being such a small insignifant being that has created absolutely nothing in the big scheme of life, 9.9999999 timesout of 10 you are wrong.
Carlin wrote:
I scanned a lot of what is written and I have a little feedback

>#2 Yahshua was not born on Dec 25th. That is a lie.

Unless I missed it, I did not see any mention of "Yahshua" in the main article or the comments. So your point in bringing this up is what exactly?

>#3 Easter and the other holidays are modern day idolatry and heathen activity. Unfortunately, it has been accepted among those that call themselves Christians

Yeah, and heathen holidays are the best [g]

>#5 Everything in our world has a deeper meaning. For example, the atom blown up large looks like the solar system. The way we function does is universal therefore the symbolism of the sun and the son is not as bad as it seems

And your point here is what, that this similarity between the construction of the atom and our solar system, is evidence for some god?

Your assertion that everything in the world has some deeper meaning, is in itself, a baseless assertion, unless you can demonstrate some viable connection to some unseen 'force' that has control over our lives?

>#6 The Zodiac is irrelevant to a people without sexual discipline. If you care to know why ask.

The Zodiac may, or may not, have anything to do with the god of the bible.
It is certain however, that the pseudo-science of astrology, is worthless at predicting anyone's future.
Again, what is your point here?

>#7 Three is known as the number of completion

Okayyyyyy, so are you into numerology and wish us to buy into it?
Personally, I can see a triangle being complete with 3 sides, but how would that work with a square...LOL.

>#8 People that call themselves Christians worship on Sundays but true followers of Christ worship everyday

Wow, thanks for enlightening all of us EX-xtians on this important matter.

>#9 Greek mythology did not exist before the bible. Understand, the book was written before Yahshua arrived and prophets walked the earth long before he arrived

Okay, I'm not sure if Greek mythology is older than the bible or not, but what do these so called prophets of old, have to do with Yahshua arriving ; assuming for a moment that this Yahshua was more than just a myth?

>#10 Since you want to make the comparison between Jesus (Yahshua and the sun) look at it this way. Without the sun everybody dies and there is no resurrection, the death is eternal. Without the sun you have no guide. Without the son you die an eternal death and you don't have a guide.

Maybe we don't need this 'son' and some super duper aliens will be our 'saviour' instead, or maybe, just maybe, when we die, it's truly THE END.
Personally, I'm betting on death being the end.

>#11 The zodiac has nothing to do with animals or fish. These are symbols that man applied to a science that cannot be perfected by man. Understand, the solar system existed before man and will exist after man is gone.

What "science" could possibly exists from studying this Zodiac?
I think NONE.

>#12 If you beleive that we have reached the 2000 year mark and you want Jesus to leave. Maybe he will but he's gonna take those that choose to follow him with him and those that want to stay will behind will be left in the dark with the dead.

Oh gosh, you really scared me now with your prediction of our future.
Did you get that prediction from tarot cards perhaps?
Surely, you aren't using the bible book, because that event should have occurred shortly after your jesus bit-the-big-one.

>#13 One should study like their life depends on it before coming to such drastic conclusions and even when you conclude you better ask the Lord for mercy if you are wrong because being such a small insignifant being that has created absolutely nothing in the big scheme of life, 9.9999999 timesout of 10 you are wrong.

Ever hear of Pascal's Wager, hmm.
Would you mind providing the supporting evidence for your 9.999999 statistic of 'wrongness', thanks.
That only place that greatly skewed statistic might apply, is for those who believe in non-existent gods..... such as yourself.

ATF (Who thinks we have a woo-woo thinker here today)
Unknown said…
you guys are lost. ok. let's assume that Jesus is fake. yeah, you can deny Him. but you can't deny the Father! Jesus is no Sun. Plus, the whole creation points to God. Jesus is God. EVERYTHING points to Him! But His name is Jesus and He loves you.
TheJaytheist said…
"you guys are lost."

Right back at ya.

"ok. let's assume that Jesus is fake."

Yes, lets.

"yeah, you can deny Him."

Hey thanks. But in order for us to actually "deny" something it would first have to be shown to exist, with credible evidence to support it's existence, in objective reality and not just in your imagination. Do you have any? No? Well then...

...moving on.

" but you can't deny the Father! "

Again, it would have to be shown that "the Father" actually exists before we could "deny" it's existence. With me so far sport?

"Jesus is no Sun."

Is he a leprechaun then?

"Plus, the whole creation points to God."

So you're saying the universe is shaped like an arrow? Odd. I have never read anything that suggests that. Did you just make that up? You silly little trickster you!

"Jesus is God."

If we are assuming that jesus doesn't exist, and jesus is god, then aren't we assuming that god doesn't exist?

Seems like you're not making much of a point here.

"EVERYTHING points to Him!"

Even porn?

"But His name is Jesus and He loves you."

Kinda puttin' the cart before the horse here, sport. So let's go back to the part where you have shown any credible evidence for the supernatural, ultrafantastical, megalomaniacal, multiorgasmical deity that you insist exists.

Oh didn't.

Thanks for nothing pal, come back when you get a clue.
Plamen said...
you guys are lost
I doubt you'll return here, to the bird-droppings you left for us.

As far as being "lost" goes, I was only lost when I believed the illusion of a god. Frankly, the compass I was using only starting working once your imaginary god took-a-hike away from my path in life

>let's assume that Jesus is fake.

Gosh, you make things so easy, when it comes to having to assume a thing.

>yeah, you can deny Him. but you can't deny the Father!

I think your brain is stuck in some god-gear here, as we all have realized that all parts of your godhead are fictitious and deserve no more attention than you ever gave to Zeus.

>Jesus is no Sun.

Well, this jesus surely doesn't qualify as a large star, so the sun will have to do.

>Plus, the whole creation points to God. Jesus is God. EVERYTHING points to Him!

Only in the deluded mind of xtians, is there some giant arrow that points to an invisible sky daddy. For the rest of us, that arrow points at nature itself.

Please tell me how things like Ebola, Polio, and even those pesky mosquitos, point to your god? If your god created such things, then you have one very sick minded god on your hands buddy.

>But His name is Jesus and He loves you

So let me get this straight, you say there is some creature named "Jesus" and he loves me, yes?
Could you explain, without using your bible storybook, just how you know this jesus loves me?
Did he perhaps whisper it into your ear one day, or maybe in a vision?

While you're at it, please define this word "love" for me, because unlike your god has done, I would never kill any person I loved, nor would I ever consider torturing some loved one in hell till the end of time.

Perhaps Plamen, you and your god, have some warped definition of what 'love' is, yes?

ATF (Who has to wash the bird droppings off his computer screen, thanks to Plamen here)

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