Couldn't Bring Myself To Believe Anymore

sent in by Don

Grab a snack and a beverage and settle in. This might take awhile.

I was baptized and brought up as a Roman Catholic. My first three years of education were spent in parochial school. Here I first learned about Christian behavior when the nuns thought they had a right to administer corporal punishment.

We moved to the suburbs and I started attending public school. This meant I had to attend Catechism, or CCD, we just called it "catecrap". The curriculum was heavily influenced by what I call the "1970's Folk Mass Crowd". I was b-o-r-e-d. At home, I was given the Baltimore Catechism to study.

This of course, showed me that anything I may enjoy is a sin; and lead to feelings of guilt over the human emotions and drives that "God" gave me. That I was to avoid all the books and movies and "immoral associations" where I could encounter differing ideas.

I took all the sacraments, (except marriage) for the laity: baptized as an infant, first communion, and was confirmed.

I was also an altar boy.

I would like to stress very strongly that I was *never* sexually abused by any member of the clergy. I dated a woman who thought she was at times possessed by evil spirits. While I didn't believe it, I thought having her talk to a priest would help. This priest dismissed both the idea and us. (Even if he didn't believe in a case of demonic possession, couldn't he have tried to help a distressed and troubled young woman?)

I went on religious retreats and on one occasion a deacon of our church revealed that one of the priests was an alcoholic.

Whoa! Didn't Jesus help the troubled? Isn't there something about not being a talebearer? I was in my late teens, and for the first time, my eyes began to open to the hypocrisy present in our church. If "A good tree does not bear bad fruit...." where was this coming from?

I tried to keep myself in a state of grace, fearing to go to hell. I went to confession regularly, but never seemed to be able to certain desires. If the sacraments didn't strengthen my ability to resist sin, what good were they? I was beginning to fall away, but tried desperately to hold on to my faith.

Then, in my early twenties, my father died. My mother said the priest at the hospital told her that it was St. Joseph's day as a means of comfort. How inept could you be? After the funeral, there were no visits from clergy, there were no parishioners stopping to comfort her. Just collection envelopes the Parish never bothered to remove my father's name from. I saw how the church took our money and gave nothing in return.

I looked for solace at the church where I attended college and found only emptiness. I read the bible and found atrocity. I studied history and found that the cruelest forms of torture were inflicted in the name of a "Loving God". The neatly packaged message, couched in pious talk, was becoming unraveled. I stopped going to church, but still struggled to reconcile what I knew from the bible and history with the idea of a perfect, loving and merciful God.

As the years passed my mother's health declined and she stopped attending church. Again, no call or visit from clergy, no interest on the part of parishioners. When she died a eulogy was delivered by a priest who knew her not at all.

I also met a man who was turned away when seeking charity at the rectory. These same priests that mulct the congregation for their hard earned money so the "Princes of The Church" can live in luxury, could not help Simone in need.

After reading the bible, and seeing how the Christianity operates, I cannot believe in Christianity, or in Christianity's god. Like many who have posted here before me, I cannot reconcile the doctrine of hell with a perfect Deity. This character of Christ contradicts himself in the gospels. A church who marginalizes women, who denies birth control as a means of population growth, who sets itself up as inerrant when speaking "Ex-Cathedra" on faith and morals while priests abuse innocent children is not worthy of my belief and respect.

The protestant faiths are no better. Saddling their flock with guilt, threatening them with hellfire, sowing, at the least, condescension and at the worst hatred in the minds of their congregations for other faiths, and growing rich in the process.

I am thankful that I have few scars from being a Christian. I still have insomnia from being told that the day of the lord was coming like a thief in the night, and that I was going to burn in hell forever if I was not in a state of grace when that happened. I know now that it is an irrational fear, but I still have trouble sleeping nights. It's gotten better since I abandoned my beliefs - but I don't know if I'll ever be able to shake it altogether.

At this point, I am seriously thinking of writing the Archbishop in my area outlining my beliefs on the church and asking for ferendae sententiae excommunication. Having a formal acknowledgment from the church that I no longer belong to them in any part of my mind and body could well give me the healing I need. To know that I will not be listed as a member of an organization that has wrought so much evil in the world.

Joined at: About 3 Months
Left at: Twenty-seven
Was: Roman Catholic
Now: Pagan
Joined because: My Parents baptised me into it.
Left because: Hypocrisy of the members and the doctrine of Hell


Anonymous said…
Dear Don,

Have you watched "The Da Vinci Code"? I've watched it and I feel sorry for that poor Silas for having to wear the cilice and to whip himself a number of times in order to prove his commitment to Roman Catholic church.
Anonymous said…
Good for you! I enjoyed reading about your journey in self discovery, and am happy that you were able to find out the truth. Good luck in life mate :)
Anonymous said…
Welcome to the worls of reality! I attended mass once with a friend out of curiosity. Not knowing the ritual, when it came time to kneel and pray I was pushed to my knees by a parishioner from behind! My father always railed against the pomposity ot the Catholic religion, practiced in its gilded cathedrals by priests in gaudy raiments. I grew up and am still an atheist. I derive my spirituality from nature, which mankind, made in the image of god, is doing its best to destroy.
Anonymous said…
Yes, I have read and watched the DaVinci Code. While I recognize it as fiction, I believe that the underlying character of the church is such that the antagonists could behave in such a fashion.

I was never a part of Opus Dei, but I have visited both their official website and ODAN, (Opus Dei Awareness Network), I believe that Opus Dei is a fundamentalist subset of the Catholic faith, and should be monitorred closely.

From what I am able to gather the cilice and the "discipline" are ment to enforce the idea that one should focus on heavenly rewards and deny the flesh. A ludicrous doctrine considering that God gave one a body to begin with and then told us not to enjoy it.

This to me is about as cruel as making a fresh steaming batch of tollhouse cookies, putting them on a low table and telling a four year old you will beat them if they so much as touch one cookie.

Corporal mortification *was* encouraged on a low level by my parents and local church: fasting and not wearing jewelry during Lent, "kissing up to god" various discomforts as atonement for sin, etc.

You should have seen the looks I got from my friends and my parents when I told them I wasn't giving up anything for Lent. Instead, I told them I was going to do *more*. I was going to try to be nicer to folks, to be more charitable, not just with money, but with my time. Because I wouldn't give something up, I was "selfish". Yeah, like going without chocolate for 40 days was going to feed one hungry person.

For anonymous: Thank you! I have a pretty nice life. There is a wonderful woman whom I love and loves me, my job sucks out loud but there you are.

I just need help getting to sleep some nights is all. Compared to other testimonies I've read here, I know I'm very, very lucky.

Anonymous said…

I din't know that about the doctrine of hell. I do know that the biblical cannon was set at the council of Nicea.

Do you have some sources to post where I could track them down?

I think it would be helpful in ridding myself of the programming the church put me through.
Anonymous said…
Hell is in hello.
Anonymous said…
Hi Don,
I have similar experiences to yours, however, perhaps not as involved though since the biggest reason my folks, who being of Italian heritage yet for the most part, agnostic/atheistic desired their brood to have some knowledge of Catholicism. As a child being placed in parochial school in the 4th grade after having been educated in public schools, immediately I could see the contradictions between 'church' school and public, especially as regards the creation story. I too was baptized as an infant, had my first communion, the confession, and then years went by, our family moved, I fluctuated between my own kind of deism and scientific agnosticism/atheism. As a young woman I was looking to 'ritualize' my 'coming of age' and ties to my Mediterranean Heritage. To be sure, I went along with my age group to church functions as a way to socialize and meet guys not realizing that 'in this day and age' yes, there are people that literally believe the myths of church whether it is in a Catholic setting or a Protestant setting. Seeing the commonality between the two and since it seemed like the 'girl' thing to do along with my friends who were both Catholics and Protestants I thought of myself as a Christian first and a Catholic second. I went ahead and went through the confirmation training. I will never forget approaching the priest after one of those confirmation catechisms and looking up into a clear starry sky and asking him how he knows for certain that God exists. He paused and it was obvious to me that he too did not 'know' he offered a comment, that doubts are a part of faith and persisting in the mystery even though one doubts is what believing is and then he shrugged. I went through with the confirmation and felt that even though I thought it was all a fairytale, I felt I had ritualized my identity as a young adult with ties to my Italian heritage. I knew that the range of beliefs of modern day Catholics was broad and that there were others with my viewpoints who didn't take any of it literally, instead, it was like being initiated into a 'club' which conferred identification.

As time wore on, I had some personal tragedy in my life, illness and death of others and observed the passing of those whom I only knew of in my school, young people dying of cancer or accidents. It made me think, I also went through my 'dark night of the soul' period and sought after religious literature and wanted to know the truth about the origins and histories of the literature of the Judeo-Christian Bible. I also bought my fair share of skeptic books, historian books and psychology books. I wanted to prove to myself 'the truth about the Bible' and the spirituality and cultures around it. Eventually I learned alot and let me tell you, knowledge dispels fear as does keeping an open mind to people who have had what are known as 'near death experiences' which apparently are not all bad, in fact, they reinforce the unity of existence with no gods, angels or devils whatsoever. I even found information online with one of my favorite resources being where I found the following excellent information which I used in a recent rebuttal to someone who posted on craigslist.
I think it will help dispel those fears which currently disrupt your sleep and hope you keep learning by keeping your mind open and as the saying goes, 'not so open your brains fall out!'

Wakeup re:The Amazing Bible/Forgery in Christianity and Truth (los gatos)

Reply to:
Date: 2006-05-24, 5:59PM PDT

Whomever wrote the post 'The Amazing Bible' needs to open their mind to some education about religious history which is sorely lacking in schools these days.

Here you go, just paste the links into your browser and get educated!

Forgery in Christianity:

Truth About Jesus (a parable with facts):

The Amazing Bible

Reply to:
Date: 2006-05-23, 7:39PM PDT

Infidels, with all their assaults, make about as much impression on this book as a man with a tack hammer would on the Pyramids of Egypt.

The hammer of the infidels have been pecking away at this book for ages, but the hammers are worn out, and the Anvil still endures.

If this book had not been the book of God, men would have destroyed it long ago.

Emperors and popes, kings and priests, princes and rulers have all tried their hand at it; they die and the book still lives.

A thousand times over, the death knell of the Bible has been sounded, the funeral procession formed, the inscription cut on the tombstone, and the committal read. But somehow the corpse never stays put.

No other book has been so chopped, knived, sifted, scrutinized and villified.

What book on philosophy, or religion, or other classical works have have been subject to such a mass attack as the Bible? with such venom and skepticism?
With such thoroughness and erudition? upon every chapter, line and tenet?

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Anonymous said…

I appreciate your comments and I am happy that you have peace and comfort in your church.

For me, I believe that Jesus was a myth. For my reasons please see http:/ and the piece "Did a historical Jesus exist?" They make the case better than I ever could.

I refuse to bend my knee to a God that will punish forever those who cannot believe. I have met too many thoughtful, loving, kind, Athiests, Hindus, Bhuddists, Jews and Moslems who do not deserve to burn forever because they tried to live well but did not buy into one way of relating to Diety.

"Bring forth mine enemies and slay them before me." I don't know what chapter and verse it is - but for a supposed divine personage to say that, gives the lie to the idea of a "Loving God".

I can only thank Christianity for 39 years of fear. I can only thank Catholicism for neglect and usury. I will be truly free when the lies told by a controlling religion have been purged from my mind.

That said, I will not interfere with the religious, (or irreligious), practice. Just leave me out of the Christian fold, and I will leave you to what gives you peace.

Please don't over-indulge, I would hate for a misfortune to happen to you or for you to have a run-in with the police.

Anonymous said…
Excuse my typo - I meant to say the religious or irreligous practice of anyone.


Anonymous said…
To Piprus:

Although I never suffered from sexual abuse, my mind set about being set free from that institution is well expressed at this site:

To me, it would be a "writ of manumission". THEY would know that I have rejected them utterly.

An act of defiance? Yes. Juvenile? Perhaps. To me it would be acknowledgement that my relationship with them is forever sundered.

Knowing that they have declared me to be outcast from their community, would oddly make me feel better. When one condemns you who you despise, you must be doing something right.....

As to idol worship, I actually think that the charge may be correct. I know a number of Catholics who revere statues and relics more than they care for their fellow humans. One of the reasons I left.
SpaceMonk said…
Don: "Knowing that they have declared me to be outcast from their community, would oddly make me feel better. When one condemns you who you despise, you must be doing something right..."

It would also keep them from ignoring you.
They may like to forget that someone had the fortitude to turn their back on their twisted values, to escape their carefully constructed psychological control mechanisms, and just continue on in ignorant bliss - but at least you can bring it back to their attention once more... and maybe then others will start to think, "Hmmm... What is it that gave him the courage?"
Anonymous said…
To SpaceMonk: You understand my motivations perfectly!

To Jim: Thank you for taking the time to post. I will order the book from Intervasity Press.

Thank you all who took the time to post.

Anonymous said…
Faith in man or man-made institution is doomed to fail as man is fallible and errant. God is not found in religion.

"Religion is an opiate of the people" as quoted is rightly stated.

It is an anti-Christ (in place of Christ). It is a false savior with no power to save.
Anonymous said…
Hey Don, glad to see you are out of the dark ages, the torment just continues into the next century under a different religious banner it seems.

You said. "As the years passed my mother's health declined and she stopped attending church. Again, no call or visit from clergy, no interest on the part of parishioners. When she died a eulogy was delivered by a priest who knew her not at all."

I always found it ironic, that clergy spend their days telling people they will be judged and stand the risk of going to hell, but when the same clergy preside over a funeral, they never decry the deceased as burning forever in hell and torment.

I suppose the message is, well, if you follow me and my religious sermons, then of course you're saved and going to heaven. Of course, this means that everyone other than that priests or clergies' followers are "really" the ones who run the risk of hell. Declaring a person is in hell, isn't good for business for clergy :-O)

I see you live in Windsor, I used to live near the Thames River in Groton many years ago, and really enjoyed it - small world. Well, hope your insomnia subsides with time. Its therapeutic to see many of the religious on this site, present christocrisy/hypocrisy... it lets us know, that ignorance is still alive and well in the world, and churches have no problem exploiting ignorance. In the short term, most of us attempt to present some enlightenment, even if analogous to a cigarette lighter amidst a vast cloud of dark ignorance. Take care...
Anonymous said…
Man/Wo-man: "Faith in man or man-made institution is doomed to fail as man is fallible and errant. God is not found in religion."

Phew, that's a load off of my mind. That means, I don't need to listen to your fallible and errant advice, thanks for the loophole, I thought I was actually going to have to take your advice as valuable.

Man/Wo-man: "Religion is an opiate of the people" as quoted is rightly stated."

Friends don't let Friends drive religion.

Man/Wo-man: "It is an anti-Christ (in place of Christ). It is a false savior with no power to save."

Uh, religion is the anti-christ, perhaps, you need to go see your local padre... Religion didn't replace the legendary christ, religion existed thousands of years prior to CE and the Christ character.

Is it possible, that your legendary Christ is "Anti-Religion", and was used to replace religion or be used as a stepping stone, so that a newer religion could be born? Yeah, that makes sense.

Well, it appears if that were the original intent, per Paul, etc., that The Roman Catholic Church ensured the legend of Christ didn't kill religion, they spawned the greates massacres in world history on ensure "religion" would prosper for their benefit.
Anonymous said…
X-rayman, You mentioned Benny Hinn and it made me laugh to recall that a good friend of mine who has not touched a drink in over 20 years was dragged to a Benny Hinn revival meeting and at the height of the revival meeting, in a drunken swagger and in intentional mockery he walked towards the center of the tent, grabbed onto a pole, unzipped his pants and proceeded to urinate all over Benny's tent pole while the cameras were a rollin.' The crowd went wild, Benny immediately resorted to his 'Satan possesses this man' mode and later, my friend's religious friends learned that it's not such a good idea to drag the unwilling to a Benny Hinn tent revival service for a 'healing!'
Anonymous said…
xrayman, sorry to hear about the friends, but, seems hell is only a good business while people are still living, not much to be gained once their gone, especially since clergy would be asked to provide evidence of hell if they attempted to make such comments, and we all know the worst thing in the world for clergy, are too many questions :-) Take it easy...
Anonymous said…
Man/Wo-man: "Faith in man or man-made institution is doomed to fail as man is fallible and errant. God is not found in religion."

>Phew, that's a load off of my >mind. That means, I don't need to >listen to your fallible and >errant advice, thanks for the >loophole, I thought I was >actually going to have to take >your advice as valuable.

I guess that statement comes from your fallible and errant side since I was unaware that I had advised anything. Fallibility and errancy is not a premise to reject everything that comes from human sources. BTW, I'm a wo-man.

Man/Wo-man: "Religion is an opiate of the people" as quoted is rightly stated."

>Friends don't let Friends drive >religion.


Man/Wo-man: "It is an anti-Christ (in place of Christ). It is a false savior with no power to save."

>Uh, religion is the anti-christ, perhaps, you need to go see your local padre... Religion didn't replace the legendary christ, religion existed thousands of years prior to CE and the Christ character.

>Is it possible, that your legendary Christ is "Anti-Religion", and was used to replace religion or be used as a stepping stone, so that a newer religion could be born? Yeah, that makes sense.

>Well, it appears if that were the original intent, per Paul, etc., that The Roman Catholic Church ensured the legend of Christ didn't kill religion, they spawned the greates massacres in world history on ensure "religion" would prosper for their benefit.

I said that religion is ~an~ anti-christ, not ~the~ anti-christ. Religion is used a savior, a means to reach Yah through adherence to church doctrines, rules, and regulations. It is in opposition to the heart of the matter.
Anonymous said…
Marie: "Fallibility and errancy is not a premise to reject everything that comes from human sources. BTW, I'm a wo-man."

Ah, so fallible and errant people make statements, and then fallible and errant people, perceive said statements, and then fallible and errant people, make claim that the statements that found their belief is "Absolutely" truer than anyone elses. Okay, which "fallible" and "errant" person are you going to suggest has the "Absolute" truth, or the more true statements, so that we can discern it from the "not so worthy" statements.

Marie: "I said that religion is ~an~ anti-christ, not ~the~ anti-christ. Religion is used a savior, a means to reach Yah through adherence to church doctrines, rules, and regulations. It is in opposition to the heart of the matter."

Lost in translation... However, if you are suggesting that one need no doctrine, rules, and regulations to find Yah, I'd have to ask how you came to know of "Yah" to begin with, perhaps, from doctrine, or people who have read doctrine? Did you come to the conclusion "god" existed as Yah, without anyone telling you about "Yah"?

Is this why you state, that some things have to be accepted by fallible and errant humans? Back to the original comment, how are you able to determine who has the most "certain" truth, in order for you to suggest Yah is the truest god of the thousands of available gods. May Zeus bless you, in your effort to answer these questions.
Anonymous said…
Hi, 'me' again. I'm the one who posted about my Italian heritage based Catholicism and my personal search for the truth about Christianity and its many sects. I just love the knowledge that I have found through my searches and forgot to mention something I did find a long time ago at by Richard Carrier such as 'Kooks and Quacks of the Roman Empire' and 'Review of "The Homeric Epics and the Gospel of Mark" (2000)

This is an incredible book that must be read by everyone with an interest in Christianity. Dennis MacDonald's shocking thesis is that the Gospel of Mark is a deliberate and conscious anti-epic, an inversion of the Greek "Bible" of Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, which in a sense "updates" and Judaizes the outdated heroic values presented by Homer, in the figure of a new hero, Jesus (whose name, of course, means "Savior"). His evidence is surprisingly solid and pervasive, and the implications for the historicity of Christ are profound.'

in addition to the works of Joseph Wheless and M.M. Mangasarian. Here is a link:

There's much more once you get to the link that this man has written. Enjoy and I think you will find your knowledge as it increases you will be comforted by the fact that your irrational fears will be replaced by the realization that a thinker and knower who honestly admits that he is blameless when there is inadequate information to reach a conclusion is far better off than someone who makes assumptions about reality based on things which science and knowledge are simply impossible.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, what would people do at the hospitals if it were not for the hospital chaplin?

Someone in a priest suit going around tell them sweet little LIES, about how wonderful it will be in the next world,(as if they knew themselves)and how God has a plan for them, so don't worry, just go on and die peacefully and het ready to meet Jesus.

Why do we need to here a bunch of friggin lies before we die?

I was in the hospital for one week last year I told no one that I was there, and I never allowed visitors, nor did I get any flowers or stupid cards to throw in the dumpster, when I got out.

What is wrong with people, they make the hospital seem like an amusement park, people are sick, do they feel like pretending they're feeling ok?

When people get sick, everyone wants to get babyfied and spoiled like little children, it's just friggen ridiculous!!!

When I'm sick the last thing I want to see is people!
Anonymous said…
Hi Don,

your experiences of the Roman Catholic Church/es in your life have made quite an impression on you and sadly understandably so. Please don't think i am undermining all Roman Catholics as there are some people who really do try to better themselves but if i were you i would give Christianity another shot but at a church that believes in the charismatic gifts. God gives life and life in abundance, it is not about restricting yourself of the fun things in life, it is about never lacking of the things you need. Please don't give up. I know many people on this website have been so discouraged by their and beliefs about Christianity and may disagree with my telling you to not give up. If Christianity is all that it says it is then it is worth your while to give it another try and if it doesn't work out you can say at least you gave it a good parting shot. Go for it one last time and good luck.
Steven Bently said…
To anon,

A church! And who builds the churches? Some God?

No! A man builds churches and I've never heard of any woman building a church! But I'm sure you have!

Before Columbus discovered America, there was not one single church build on American soil, that must have been such a wondeful time, before Columbus.

If some stupid God wanted worship, he would build the churches himself, after all remember he built the whole universe in just 6 days, churches would have been so easy to construct compared to the solar system.

Man in his fear of death and ignorance, builds churches!
Steven Bently said…
Ah thanks xrayman, please click on my name and read for more religious secrets, I promise I wont bite ya!

Good luck with Doug, although he's secretly out to convert for jesus, actually he think's he is jesus or is pretending to be, I would like to see him walk on water, or nail himself to a cross, well not really.

Doug we all here, thought we were pretending to mimick christ, you've said nothing that we've not already heard or repeated our selves, we've been there and done that, get a grip on reality can ya?
Anonymous said…
Hey Don, sorry about your harsh church experience, I am a Christian, I am not really going to a denominational church, Just a church full of people that love God....I know you dislike the fact that a "God of love" could send someone to hell, my pastor once said, God is bound by his own laws, he cant reverse them, his word stands forever and ever, and even he cant break his word, with this said, us being sinners, were sentanced to death, and were guilty as charged, God is a rightous judge, and every Christian must realize that, before they can say "i am a sinner, a wretch saved by grace" you actually have to believe it, which is why Jesus came down and took the death penalty for us, God didnt just say "your not guilty" because we are guilty, but instead he came down and died for our sin, humbling himself and leaving his glory behind, then overcomming death, that is a God of love, we may not understand it all in this life, but you just have to believe Gods an honest God, but yeah, ive been to 5 different churches, i can say some had some that were there for the wrong reasons, and so on, but i found a church full of people that love God deeply, and in those situations would have had alot more involvement, i am an atheist turned believer, from an atheist agnostic family, some experiences God allowed in my life made me turn my head an realize WHOA IT IS REAL, sometimes you just gotta turn ya head tho, like one pastor said "moses had to notice there wasnt something right about that bush and go over to it before he could speak to God" anyways, my email is if you ever want to talk, ask questions, hear my testimony, or anything, i hope the best

much love
SpaceMonk said…
It stinks to high heaven around here.
Christianity's love is either ignorance or hypocrisy.
True love is a human attribute common to everyone. We don't need no supernatural saviour to experience it.
What's with all the christians around here anyway?
Anonymous said…
SpaceMonk wrote:

"What's with all the Christians around here anyway?"

TO SpaceMonk from Dan:
Hey Monk! If you read about the true nature of God that Jamie's pastor revealed to him, it will all become crystal clear to you, just like it did for Jamie.

God made us filthy dirty sinners, and sacrificed his son to himself to repair the damage.

His pastor probably went to bible school, so he knows what God is, and what God says, even though the greatest thinkers of all time have never been able to figure it out.

Jamie wrote:
".........., my pastor once said, God is bound by his own laws, he cant reverse them, his word stands forever and ever, and even he cant break his word, with this said, us being sinners, were sentenced to death, and were guilty as charged, God is a righteous judge, and every Christian must realize that, before they can say "i am a sinner, a wretch saved by grace" you actually have to believe it, which is why Jesus came down and took the death penalty for us, God didn't just say "your not guilty" because we are guilty, but instead he came down and died for our sin, humbling himself and leaving his glory behind, then overcoming death, that is a God of love, we may not understand it all in this life, but you just have to believe Gods an honest God,........."

Dan (Who loves a few people)
SpaceMonk said…
It's just that guy's like Jamie, explaining the whole christian thing to us, don't seem to understand that this is a site for EX-christians, ie. we already been there and done that.

I'm sick of them doing their best to act all fair and balanced and loving when they are just ignorant dumbfucks who haven't travelled as far on the road of religious experience as the ex-christians here. They try to convince us their way is better, not realising it would actually be a regression.

Of course you already get that.
Sorry for ranting.

I think this site would be easier for them to understand if we called it EX-Dumbfuck.
I know I was one for too long...

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