Once catholic, not always a catholic

sent in by Adam

I was raised in what you could call "Medieval Catholicism". There was lots of emphasis on Hell, Purgatory, blood, sins of the flesh, penance. I sure wish I could have a "do over" of my younger years, because I spent those years scared and burdened with theological bs that a kid should not have to worry about. But my past is what it is, and now I am a better person because of it.

Sometimes I think I can enjoy the present more because I am able to contrast it with the difficult past. Overall it would have been better to have a healthier, functional past, but if I had, perhaps I would not have the insight that I do now to help others.

Sexuality was the deal-breaker for me in regards to christianity. The theology basically teaches that sex is a necessary evil, to be tolerated ONLY to procreate to make more catholic people. To the extent that I felt sexual, I'd feel guilt and far away from god. After many years of that I just finally decided that I was not going to screw up the rest of my life feeling guilt for being who I am. So I tossed out the parts of catholicism that were at odds with sexuality. But it was like pulling on a thread on a sweater... the rest of the religion just unraveled.

Also, I could not believe that god would demand a blood sacrifice to atone for humanity's wrongs. I don't believe god, if god exists, would be so primitive. I also don't believe humanity is "fallen". So there's no real reason to be christian for me any more.

When I finally admitted to myself that "Jesus is not God" I thought my life would fall apart. I thought that without the religious structure, I'd be a "ship without a rudder". But nothing like that has happened! My marriage is fine, the kids are fine, my job is fine, I can sleep at night, I don't swindle, cheat and steal.

The only thing that has fallen apart is my relationship with my parents, who still very much believe what they always did. Silly me, I thought that as I matured, my parents would also mature, and that we could discuss theology like grown-ups. Nope! They have accused me of blasphemy. They choose their religion over their relationships, and that is too bad.

I'm very glad to have found this site and I really enjoy reading what others have shared. Some of the stories I read remind me so much of my own experience or thoughts, and I am relieved that I am not the only one thinking or feeling as I do.


Anonymous said…
Hello Adam.
First of all, congratulations for freeing yourself from the madness. Once again, it's proven that the Biblegod is created by men, and it is created, as you discovered, to screw us up. The Evangelical Protestant circles I moved in, there would be head shaking and sucking in of breath when the Catholics were mentioning 'all tricked by Papist lies and on their way to hell'. God says what we want him to say, that's all, and the more it messes with our heads, and goes against our human nature, the better. I'm dead sorry your childhood was so damaged by indoctrination. The Scriptures(of all faiths) and anything coming from them, (the churches etc) should have a health warning attached, not suitable for children sort of thing. As for your parents calling you a blasphemer, didn't the lord and saviour say 'I come not to bring peace but a sword', and when faith and family clash faith will always win out for true believers! At least you're free and you've got a happy marriage, kids etc.
All the best.
Anonymous said…
peace + blessings to each of you,

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