Born Again Atheist

sent in by Born Again Atheist

Hmmmmmmm, where do I begin? Shall I just ramble? Ok, then!

I was born and raised Catholic. I first read the Bible cover to cover as a young teenager, and was anti-catholic from then on. I still had to pretend, as I had no choice but to attend their voodoo rituals where their priests droned on and on until I fell asleep, bored out of my mind.

My upbringing was so conservative that TV was considered evil, and I grew up on a ranch in the middle of nowhere, so my only escape was walking around the desert and exploring, reading, and masturbating. (Recently I read Wilhelm Reich's "The Psychology of Fascism" where he states that total sexual purity causes religious feelings because the brain requires states of ecstacy and will invent them on its own if you don't pull on the lever - or press on the button - that it gave you for its own release, once in awhile. So THAT's why I never found the Lord!!)

ANYWAY, the "Reading" part is actually what "saved" me. I read National Geographic and the Encyclopedia and learned about the world as it is, without the biased gloss my catholic school upbringing unsuccessfully tried to instill in me. Having a very curious and observant nature helped a LOT. A natural tendency to keep to myself helped a lot, too.

I find it fascinating that people put so much emotional energy in trying to prove evolution 'wrong'. I have never read Darwin, the only real 'Skeptic' books I've read are Carl Sagan's "Demon Haunted World" and Michael Shermer's "Why People Believe Weird Things".

My proof of evolution is all around me. That people are glorified monkeys is so obvious to me that I can't comprehend why many doubt it, other than the emotional need to self-deify, I guess. An Alpha Monkey in the Sky may bring peace to the cowering Beta masses, huddling in tiny-minded fear of a huge, vast, cold, and dark universe; but I am utterly fascinated by the brilliant and amazing universe around me - from massive black holes, to magnetic fields producing auroras, to the soft curves of a woman's breast glistening with sweat and my saliva.

At any rate, I converted to Eastern Orthodoxy mainly because I was utterly fascinated by the Byzantine trappings and the pomposity of their rituals. Reading the Bible again, I noted that Christianity is only for a select few - those who have no sense of self in a human way, but are lost and lonely and scared and need a ghost to hug. Those who are so timid that they can 'love' and accept such a tyrant and, frankly, an asshole who says 'lick my boot or I will torture you forever bwa-ha-ha-ha!'. Fuck that!

I examined the occult for awhile, but all I found was the same mildewed minds searching for another spook in the sky that was not offered to them by the majority - one more personally chosen - so they could attach their elite nose into the sky-daddy's anus - so daddy will allow them to play in his sandbox for all eternity. Bleh...

Religion is based on the denial of reality - all things are food to/for something else, everything exists in order to die. Death is God in that sense. (That's where the Hindu - the Dance of Shiva/Shakti - comes in. It is a symbol of this process, although many - ok most - Hindus worship these processes as deities/beings in their own right, rather than accepting them for the iconic symbology that they attempt to represent.)

I say that if you really want to worship anything as a God, it should be the Sun. Light the Sacred Fire as the piece, or child, of God, and worship as its prophet. Let it speak to you of Entropy, of polarity and flow, of transendence from one manifestation of existence to another (like from Paper to Ash), the Beauty of Destruction and Construction, over and over again; as it is, was, and ever shall be, unto the ages of ages. Amen!!

Joined because: Born & raised
Left because: It has been a long process, started in 1992, cemented in 2005.
Was: Catholic, Greek & Russian Orthodox, Calvanist, Setian, Satanist, Hindu
Now: Atheist, semi-Hindu (yes there are atheist Hindus), Freak-Boy, Monkey-Boy
Converted because: Because I was so psycho-illogically fucked up from childhood Catholic S&M.
De-converted because: First I read the Bible cover to cover (well 3 times). Then I studied other religions. "They are all the same" doesn't necessarily make them all 'true', it just proves they all come from the same primitive monkey guesses borne of fear, ignorance, and explanations.
email: chrsstms at yahoo dot com


Perry said…
hello, BAA

Interesting story. Amazing how insecure most humans are. As one commentator put it: all this mumbo-jumbo is seated in a desire to live forever. Live life now. Life is not a summer of toilsome nut gathering so winter can be enjoyed in perpetuity. Unless one is a nutter, of course.
Jim Arvo said…
toulouse798, you claim that god is triune, with one of those entities having been manifested as a human being in the person of Jesus. But Allah makes it clear that there is exactly ONE god, not in three parts as Christians claim, but ONE indivisible all-mighty eternal god. Furthermore, Allah tells us that it is blasphemy to suggest that he took on human garb and walked this Earth.

Now, don't you think it's arrogant on your part to claim that you know better than Allah? You place yourself above Allah when you claim to know that Jesus was god incarnate. Don't you think Allah should know whether or not he is 1 or 3? Hadn't you learn to listen to what he says rather than arrogantly projecting your own ideas onto him?

(I hope that argument strikes you as absurd, being based on the unsupported premise that Allah is the one true god. If so, you will begin to see how your argument sounds to us.)
Anonymous said…
Hi there,

Did you know that there are no athiest in hell? Well I can simpathize with you on the catholic religion because I too was a catholic, but had no idea that when I was doing all those sacraments it was so I could get into heaven, like anyone could ever work their way into heaven. You can not tell me that you don't feel guilty for playing with yourself. You said you read the bible 3 times from cover to cover. I read it all my life, but never understood diddly squat. Till one day I understood that the bible is written for those who are seeking God with all of their hearts, not for the ones that belive that we come from monkeys, even Darwin recanted his theory before he died. Look there is going to come a time in your life when your face is going to be to the ground because of your despair and the only place you are going to look is up. And yes even people that are under satanic powers can be delivered, because Jesus is the one we call for help and if you humble yourself like a little child will He take you because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Just face it you are scared to death about dying, because you know when you die you are going to hell. Go ahead try to justify yourself and keep listening to your father the devil and see where that will take you. I fight his ass with the word of God which is the Sword of the Spirit and tell his hatefull ass that he is a defeated foe. You should come to the other side already and quit giving him an enroad to your life. Do you think he actually cares for you? You make the choice.
TheJaytheist said…
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TheJaytheist said…
I know anony directed his "critique" at B.A.A., but I have to say something. It's just too much.

Anonynut:"Did you know that there are no athiest in hell?"

Since there is no credible evidence for such a place as hell it would stand to reason that no-one is there.

Anonynut:"You can not tell me that you don't feel guilty for playing with yourself."

And you said it couldn't be done.

Anon:" day I understood that the bible is written for those who are seeking God with all of their hearts, not for the ones that belive that we come from monkeys, even Darwin recanted his theory before he died. "

So you have to believe in the god of the bible BEFORE you can believe in the god of the bible? Seems stupid to me. Also, Darwin NEVER recanted on his deathbed. That is a LIE propogated by so called moral christians to support their lame ass arguments.

NUT:"Look there is going to come a time in your life when your face is going to be to the ground because of your despair and the only place you are going to look is up. And yes even people that are under satanic powers can be delivered, because Jesus is the one we call for help and if you humble yourself like a little child will He take you because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. "

I did all that and your deity did nothing. So that is false.

Nonynutter:"Just face it you are scared to death about dying, because you know when you die you are going to hell."

Now that's just pathetic. If I believed in hell I might be afraid of going there, if your god wasn't such a prick. I'm not at all afraid of going to Oz either. You are the one who is afraid.

Nutjob:"Go ahead try to justify yourself and keep listening to your father the devil and see where that will take you."

You don't even know me or my father. How dare you say those horrible things about a man you've never met? You sound like an asshole.

AssholeNut:"I fight his ass with the word of God which is the Sword of the Spirit and tell his hatefull ass that he is a defeated foe."

My father has been dead for years so stop poking his ass with your "sword".

Necronutter:"You should come to the other side already.."

No thanks. I like being on the side of the fence that separates the insane(you) from the rest of society.

necronutter:"You make the choice."

I already did. Quit whining about it already.
Astreja said…
Anonymous Flaming Idiot: "I fight his ass with the word of God..."

You verbally abuse donkeys? (wanders away shaking Her head)
Anonymous said…
Astreja said...
"Anonymous Flaming Idiot: "I fight his ass with the word of God..."
"You verbally abuse donkeys? (wanders away shaking Her head)"

No Astreja,

I don't think the donkey could understand the spoken words of god (although I hear, sometimes donkey's do talk).

I think he meant he would throw his bible AT that poor donkey, like a weapon (sword).
He probably has the sight-impaired extra large print edition of the bible that weighs in at 20 pounds to.
Time to call the ASPCA on this animal abuser I think

ATF (who thinks holy translations are so difficult at times to render properly)

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