Christianity breeds Confusion.....

sent in by Marie Murdock

Ok where do I begin?

I grew up in an abusive environment, which led to many emotional/mental scars....As a teenager I dabbled in drugs/alcohol/sex...and because of my past, I knew I needed to learn to cope in a healthier manner. I started going to church when I was 15 because my Mom, had gotten "saved", and was told that God was the only thing to save anyone from drugs/alcohol and self destructive behaviours. Of course being so young and wanting to "still serve my flesh", I continued to as most teenagers, and kept in the partying mode. When I met my husband...his Dad, a "christian" started taking us to church and we were told "we had to get married" because we were having 3 months later (age 19) we were married in a ceremony I had nothing to do with, accept show up~! The church made all the arrangements and I just needed to be there! (WE were "offending" ppl, by our lifestyle of sexual sin, and that is why we had to get married.)

Well needless to say...we made a big mistake...Our marriage lasted 7 years and 3 children.

All thru my adult life, I have tried to stay faithful to a church, which at times has been impossible....Iam either "demon possessed, living in bondage, under generational curses, or not having enough faith!"....UGGHHHHHHHH
When I have questioned certain doctrines or asked "why" regarding scriptures and the contradictions.....NO one can give me a straight answer, or Iam told the "devil" is filling my mind.

So I have had enough of the condemnation, judgement, and criticism from those who continue to strive for some sort of perfection in the eyes of a God, I have never head from.....

I still stuggle with the condemnation and voices of criticism, but today Iam trying very hard to use my own mind and listen to the voice of reason.....mine.......
Tired of churches telling me how to think.....Tired of so called righteous ppl pointing and condemning me, yet countless are stuck in porn, and adultry.

Need to find myself, apart from the doctrines of men/churches.

Joined: 18
Left: Now
Was: Catholic/Pentecostal/Non-Denominational
Now: Confused
Converted because: I was told "I was lost" and "needed saving"
De-converted because: Needed answers and peace
email: marie_murdock2000 at yahoo dot com


Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
Hi Marie. I don't know if you will get this message. But a lot of people struggle with the same things in their Christian walks. A lot of it does have to do with the way we are thinking. We need to have a biblical world view. Sorry to hear you were under such condemnation. If you are a believer in Christ you CAN'T be demon possessed. Let me give you the scripture to clarify that.

It comes from Matthew 12:29 - How can anyone enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man?

The "strong man" in a spirit indwelt believer would be God. So Satan would have to bind up God in order to possess you. Jesus also says that no one can take you from the father's hand.

A lot of times we give Satan way too much credit. We should never underestimate his cunning ability to confuse and deceive, but we shouldn't suppose that he the ability to physically harm us

Where does Faith come from? We get confused about faith because of movements like the "Word of Faith" movement. Faith isn't some kind of force inside of us that we can use to create our own reality. Some think of Faith as "The force within, and the words are the containers of the force". For example: I'm sure you have heard preachers or people in prayer say, that we are speaking this into existence! Or as I speak this woman is being healed! We are believing it, and we speak it into being!

Faith is a channel of living trust between God and man.

Here is a resource that will help you, or anyone who reads this and is struggling in the same areas.

Listen to "The Bible Answer Man" radio broadcast. He can clear much confusion up. His ministry has helped me a lot. Here is a link:

There are other great ministries on that site as well. Like "Focus on the Family" and "White Horse Inn"

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