I was once an MK

Sent in by DK

I was brought up as a fundamental, evangelical Christian - in fact, I am a missionary kid (MK) from Africa.

But it took me 50 years to start seriously questioning anything that I had been taught. I had been brainwashed for so long and knew all the answers and comebacks, but they are is so full of holes - and it is so obvious now that I am an outsider looking back.

This morning on the way to work I was listening to a book on tape, and they mentioned Mithra, who pre-dated Jesus by 600 years. He was born on December 25, had 12 disciples, was crucified, and rose again, and so many more similarities.

Why haven't I ever heard of this before? This is almost PROOF that Christianity is not special - but just a clone of previous ancient pagan religions. This information has blown me away, and although I have already de-converted, I am totally horrified that this is not common knowledge with enough debate material to shoot down any Christian argument.

Do you know if someone has really investigated this to see if Christianity is based on this and all a myth?

Jesus as a Reincarnation of Mithra

Thanks for any input about this.


It is true. There is more. Mithra isn't the only one. You are on a new journey now to finding out all the cookie cutter christs that predates Jesus. If you really want to get deep into how religion started check out the Zeitgeist Movie. It's free and online. The first part of the movie reveals how religions started. From there you can do some more research. You'll find lots of info on the internet, in books and dvds. I'm glad you've awoken from your sleep. I wish you well.

Besides, the website you just posted on, here are a few links to get stsrted:

I wish you well.
Editor said…
While Mithra is a valid point, not all points on this topic hold up to scrutiny. Make sure you study both sides- not just our side.
I think that mithra is probably the most accurate, mainly because the cult of mithra was prevelant in that area of the world around that time - especially in Tarsus, which is where Saul [Paul?] came from - most of the christianity that is practiced today is the direct result of Sauls integration of his "home town" pagan cult with judaism...which then couldn't really even be called an extension of judaism anymore by definition.
Dan said…
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Dan said…
As much as we might like it to be true it doesn't hold up much weight.
Some initial problems arise; the confusion of Persian Mithraism with Roman Mithraism, Mithra sources from the 3-6th C.E. being cited (they were influenced by the then dominant Christian society not vice-versa.

This issue seems to be entirely created and supported by amateurs pop-scholars on the internet. No Mithra scholar that I have read makes this connection and most, if they deal with it at all, do so dismissively e.g. see the most recent survey of research in 'The Religion of the Mithras Cult in the Roman Empire: Mysteries of the Unconquered Sun' by Roger Beck
Oxford University Press.
I have never read that Mithra was born on the 25th of December, you could be right, sorry I don't know offhand.
Mithra did not have 12 disciples but two; Cautes and Cautopatres nor is there any record of Mithra either dying or rising again. These two claims seems to the an internet myth. I have seem many secular websites proclaiming them, I have also seen some of the more sober and credible atheists websites move away and remove their contents on the Mithra suggest.
We have to be serious and show the maturity of arguments, not just latching upon any argument that supports our position- no matter how intially potent it seems. Otherwises its just as bad as the fundamentalists.

Just my opinion.
I am majoring in ancient Greco-Roman history(Classics) if it helps anyone wondering about the creedence of my comments
Huey said…
Thanks Dan! You're right when you say that it can be just as bad as the fundamentalists and I for one very much appreciate the correction. We need to be on our guard against such missinformation.
Please, do not trust Zeitgeist. That was sort of my purpose in joining here, is to help people realize that Zeitgeist is absurd, and that you don't need to latch onto unfounded pseudohistory in order to justify not believing in Jesus.

My big problem is with people who flat out say "Whatever, someone just purposely wrote the WHOLE BIBLE just to GET MONEY!" or whatever. Which embarrasses people like me, who not only are non-believers but also historians, who understand that it's not very likely that the Bible was deliberately written to trick people.

I honestly think it's much more likely that the people writing the Bible really believed what they were writing was true. Or, in some cases, didn't even think they were writing what would later end up in an "infallible" compilation of books.
ExFundie said…
Yeah it does turn out that Zeitgeist is full of a lot of unverifiable rumor. One website I have found seems to do a very good job of verifying its sources and information. It is called the Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth, and can be found at
Anonymous said…
What an interesting thread. I've been wondering for a while why some atheists tend to believe anything that supports their argument, even when something smells fishy about the story.

We all have different topics that catch our interest. In my case, the Bible supports my unbelief all by itself. The other stories I hear around, like the ones told in the Zeitgeist, those I'm not too sure about. Especially because they're not essential to proving that the Bible is a fiction book and its God is a fallacy.
Anonymous said…
Mithra was simply a false prophet. The similarities between Christ and Mithra (Dec 25 birthdate, being called the messiah etc) is just the devil trying to trick us and make our faith weak. God is testing the faithful. My faith is steadfast and can not be moved..
djvicadin wrote:
The similarities between Christ and Mithra (Dec 25 birthdate, being called the messiah etc) is just the devil trying to trick us and make our faith weak. God is testing the faithful. My faith is steadfast and can not be moved
Yeah Djvicadin, self-delusions about some god entity, tend to be just like that.
Whatever the facts are about the Mithra legend, they won't stop xtians from believing in a devil that is spending his free time planting false evidence against the xtian god.

Frankly, I have to hand it to the devil and his apparent extended work schedule.

Between making up all those competing legends about god and jesus, torturing millions of sinners in hell with his trusty pitchfork, invading various human bodies to speak through, and then planting all that evolution evidence around the globe for heathen scientist to discover; he really deserves a coffee break or two.

All in favor of giving the devil a 10 minute coffee break, raise your hands please.

ATF (Who thinks this was just someone 'funning' us, but had to reply anyway)
darthwonka said…
This discussion has provoked some further contemplation about this quote:

"They must find it difficult...Those who have taken authority as the truth, Rather than truth as the authority."
-- G. Massey, Egyptologist

I love this quote because I feel it expresses the nature of the brainwashing many of us received growing up -- especially those who are indoctrinated prior to the age of reason.

What bothers me is that I still catch myself falling for it. Like some of you mentioned, we seem to do the same things we did when we were christians. We accept the word of folks we give authority as the truth.

Do any of the veteran survivors have any guidance on how to alter our minds to remove this misfire?
nickm said…
Not sure if I qualify as a veteran, but I think I'm getting better at avoiding the tendency to grab hold of anything that supports my born-again unbelief. I think the major reason for this has been my growing detachment from the faith community.
In recent years, 99% of my time has been spent among those who do not have any strong religious convictions. My scepticism is the norm among my peers and I hardly ever have to justify my non-belief. In fact it is almost inconceivable that I would find myself in any group where a majority of those resent would assert the truth of the christian faith.
Of course it's easy for me to say that as a Brit and a Londoner: Christianity has been out of fashion for a very long time here. There are an awful lot more Christians in the US so I suspect a higher level of ambient belief is the norm in many regular social settings.
On the Mithras theme: I've been to quite a number of Mithraic temples over here. Some of the Roman forts along Hadrian's Wall in the North of England have quite good examples, and one of the first things that struck me about these places was how familiar the architecture was - if hadn't been told it was a Mithraic space I could easily have mistaken it for a Christian chapel. Some of the altars use internal lamps so that the carefully carved face of Mithras 'the lord of light' would literally illuminate proceedings. The Christian churches missed a trick there.
"For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat. It is written:
" 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.' So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.

If Christians are wrong then we've lost all hope but at least, according to you, we'll be annihilated and not know it. However, what if you are wrong? Do you really want to be found having to give an account on that day?

This site breaks my heart.
The Preacher's Wife wrote:
If Christians are wrong then we've lost all hope but at least, according to you, we'll be annihilated and not know it. However, what if you are wrong? Do you really want to be found having to give an account on that day?
Preacher's wife,

It might help if you got yourself familiar with "Pascal's Wager".

While you're reading up on that topic, think about all the god's that YOU dismiss, just as we dismiss your own god/jesus.
Perhaps you are worshiping the wrong god???
Perhaps you should try worshiping ALL the gods, just so you cover-thy -ass.

"This site breaks my heart."

Yes, reality has a way sometimes of breaking our hearts, but reality is where we live, even if some wish to pretend not to.

ATF (Who has PLENTY to say to this lame wacko god, if I ever have to give an account of myself)
boomSLANG said…
Preacher's wife...If Christians are wrong then we've lost all hope...

Allow me to point out that this is simply you and your opinion, which is based on the presuppostion that "God" exists, and further, that this "God" is none other than the Christian biblegod. From there, you are trying to project this opinion on to those who don't subscribe to your presuppositions/opinion. In other words, it is you who feels that if Christianity were false, there would be loss of "all hope".

You see, in my view, "hope" lies in the life that we are certain exists...e.g..this life; right now, this second. If your only "hope" is that life goes on forever, then you have no hope for right this second, thus, you are essentially hope-less. You are sitting around "hoping", on the off-chance, of a post-mortem life, which wastes precious time in this life.

...but at least, according to you, we'll be annihilated and not know it.

That's right. And did you suffer, or were you inconvenienced in any way, before you came into existence? If you answer honestly, the answer is "no".

However, what if you are wrong?

What if???? "What if" we're both wrong? In other words, if "what if" is a good reason to believe something, then logically, you should seek out and study every known religion to see which one has the worst reprecussions for non-compliance, and then adopt that belief. Something tells me you have NOT done this.

Do you really want to be found having to give an account on that day?

And why would I have to do such a pointless and silly thing? The Christian biblegod, if it exists, would know precisely what I did, and why I did it, per its "omniscience".

This site breaks my heart.

People who never question their beliefs breaks my brain.
Excellent points boomslang. Very nice. The here and now is all that really exists. The now presents limitless potential, which opens the door for limitless future possibility - but if you focus on the future, your present potential becomes nill or seriously crippled, so you might as well be dead if you live in the future and not the present.
Another great point you make is:

"And did you suffer, or were you inconvenienced in any way, before you came into existence? If you answer honestly, the answer is "no"." -That is why it makes no sense to me why people are afraid of death - they were'nt afraid of "pre-life" because they had no perception of it - same is true with death. Both death and pre-life are perfectly peaceful, so why worry?
Magick1369 said…
Horus (Egypt, 3000BC)

1.) The Lamb of God
2.) Performed Miracles
3.) Light of the World
4.) dies for 3 days and is resurrected.

Attis (Greece, 1200BC)

1.) Born of a Virgin
2.) Born on December 25 solstice
3.) Crucified
4.) dies for 3 days and is resurrected

Krishna (India, 900 BC)

1.) Born of a Virgin
2.) Born on December 25.
3.) Star in the East.
4.) Performed Miracles
5.) Crucified and Resurrected.

Dionysis ( Greece, 200 AD)

1.) Born of a Virgin
2.) Born on Dec 25th.
3.) Performed Miracles
4.) King of Kings, God’s only begotten Son
5.) Alpha and the Omega
6.) Crucified and Resurrected.

Mithra (Persia 1200 BC)

1.) Born of a Virgin
2.) Born on Dec 25th.

I personally believe Carl Jung's assessment to be true. The rising god man myths are an expression of an archetype within the human psyche.
Magick1369 wrote:
Horus (Egypt, 3000BC)
1.) The Lamb of God
2.) Performed Miracles
3.) Light of the World
4.) dies for 3 days and is resurrected.


I just wanted to thank you for posting this information.

I was just debating with a xtian co-worker on the matter of, if any of the ancient god's had been resurrected, as the bible claims of jesus.
This xtian was certain that jesus had been the only one to perform such a feat.
It'll be interesting to watch the response I get when I show what you posted, as well as some additional information I've also found.

Thanks again,

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