See you in hell

Sent in by Steve M

Well, let's see. I was brought up in a Baptist environment and of course being a young child I believed all that I was told. As the years passed I became a young adult and was still active in the church. Even taught Sunday school for a short while.

Now I am 54 years old and have seen many things transpire in my life and have read the "Good Book" and many other books along religious lines. I have come to see that it is facts that count, not bullshit stories that no one can prove or back up. If it isn't fact, then it is fantasy! I have seen much evil done in the name of God!

I just love the bit about how God has given man a free will to make his own decisions. God sez, do it my way or do not pass go and go straight to hell! It's like you're sitting in a chair and I walk up to you with a gun in my hand and I tell you this. I put a 44 to your head and tell you, looky here. You have free will. You can do things my way or I will pull the trigger! That's supposed to be a choice? Give me a freaking break!

I am so sick of all the self-righteous, better-than-thou shit heads that do more "sinful" crap than even I do! With me, what you see is what you get. No pretense at being a goody two shoes!

I am so glad I found this website and it is good to know that I am not alone in my thinking! So I guess I'll see you all in hell one day. LOL

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SpaceMonk said…
Don't be late. :)
Roger O'Donnell said…
Save me a seat!
Anonymous said…
I'll be there !!
Anonymous said…
Hey, Steve!
Save some BBQ and Beer for me!

Sure has been a few posts this week concerning this "Gift" Ol' Whiskers wants to give us. My take on it is that just what kind of GIFT is it when Gawd says "I have this WONDERFUL Gift I want to give you, and if you accept it, it comes with SO many conditions attached you'll have to radically change the way you live, and if you REJECT this Gift, well, I'm going to knock the shit out of you then stick you in horrible place for ever and ever. Oh, and remember, I LOVE you!"...

Doesn't sound like much of a "gift" to me.

John of Indiana
Anonymous said…
The only problem with hell is how hard it is to keep the beer cold...

Anonymous said…
Yeah, but you can bake brownies and cookies really easily in hell!
Anonymous said…
Hey Steve, make room, as one ex-Baptist to another, I will surely join you!

And congratulations for seeing through the "free will" farce. It is the only excuse Christians can give for getting Bible God off the hook!
Aspentroll said…
I'm from Canada and will enjoy
a nice warm eternal vacation.
Just think no more heating bills.
D. Paul Grubb said…
Pardon my intrusion, but I'd like to get some feedback on my viewpoint.
Surely there are those here who are aware of the CHristian view which says libertarian "free will" is a myth. (Terminology always needs defined. And please don't give a lecture on Calvinism ;-) )

But I have developed the thought that when the church teaches this idea of a "God-granted free will" that it was a misapprehension of the biblical doctrine AND was more in keeping with the way the unregenerate mind prefers things. I mean, listen to virtually anyone with some authority or persuasion and all one will hear is "choice, choose" etc. as though all were ultimately up to the individual.

Is this idea not appealing to Ex-Christians? I'm seriously puzzled at this. Where am I wrong in my assumption? Do you not depend upon your own free will in order to be atheistic? Isn't this where "Freethought" is most useful?

And briefly, free will does NOT get God "off the hook". It may seem to at first blush but it is a denial of the Sovereignty of God. Why would a Christian want to deny that?

Anyway, help me out here...

Anonymous said…
I'll be sure to bring the shovels so we can shovel the coal....LOL!

<<< I am so sick of all the self-righteous, better-than-thou shit heads that do more "sinful" crap than even I do! >>>

Yeah, you and I both.
Anonymous said…
Don: Of course the so-called "free will" does not in reality get Bible God off the hook. Don't you know sarcasm when you see it? You must realize that it is always the excuse "well he/she had free will, they could choose Christ but they didn't, so they are condemned." Kind of gets God off the hook in some minds, don't you think? Is this hard to understand?

You say "It may seem to at first blush, but it is a denial of the Sovereignty of God. Why would a Christian want to deny that?"
Good going Don. If you keep up this kind of questioning, you may be joining the rest of us unregenerate minds.

And well said, John of Indiana.
Anonymous said…
Hey Steve, Welcome to reality,AL IN GA
Anonymous said…
Don: Is this idea not appealing to Ex-Christians?

The idea of free will is very appealing. But the joke of "free will" that one finds in the Bible is completely repugnant.

Anonymous said…
Do you REALLY want to burn forever?
Of course you don't. But, you are still alive. seek God. seek to be REALLY converted. the problem is you never believed in the 1st place. God is merciful, he loves you, buddhism is idol worship. please ask God to show you the way. Your flesh and satan cause you to choose religions or (lack of) that allow you to do whatever you want to do. isn't that convenient? thats the danger of turning your back on God. You lose discernment and begin to dabble into abomination. I say again, he loves you, you need a saviour. Take a moment to imagine what it would feel like to wake up from death to find that you were so terribly, terribly wrong? Can't go back and change it. Today is the day - Ask God, he will show you. A tip though, repent from all forms of buddhism, please. tell him (Jesus) that he alone is God. See how your life will change.
freethinker05 said…
Anony said,"Do you REALY want to burn forever".You know,for the first time since i became(approx.3 yrs ago) an athiest to the "god of the bible",that today i was just lying on the bed and it dawned on me,if the biblegod is true, then how silly of him to burn human beings that he created to start with in an everlasting place called hell.I mean come on,i could see this god maybe just refusing unbelievers, of any kind of afterlife at all,you know, Just remain dead,but that's still ain't fair, cause of all the people who never heard of christ, and all the unborn babies,and even other people with a different god that thinks that their's is the only true god. Until i take my last breath here on this earth, i will deny such a "monster"as this. Peace, Roger...p.s.For the first time in my life,i KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that no such place as hell exsist.
boomSLANG said…
Annoynomous chirped: Do you REALLY want to burn forever? Of course you don't

Do you ReALLy want to wallow helplessly in superstitious delusion 'til the day you DIE? Apparently, you DO.

Annoynomous: But, you are still alive.

Wow!...astONishing disclosure.

Annoynomous blathers: seek God. seek to be REALLY converted.

In other words, seek with ALL my wits to pretend that I can have a relationship with an invisible being; his bastard son gone AWOL, and their "kin-folk", the holy spook. In other words, "seek" to be "ReALLy" insane.

Annoynomous: God is merciful, he loves you

God is fanciful, and he loves you.........medium well, to well-done. Yes, in God's fanciful imaginary kingdom---one where, if his fancy creation doesn't fancy hIM in return?.... he incinerates them on his fancy hibachi for humans. Ssssssss.

Fundonymous: Your flesh and satan cause you to choose religions or (lack of) that allow you to do whatever you want to do

Let's see, "skin", along with a horned invisible man in a red leotard, caused me to nOT believe in "religion". And now that I disbelieve in religion--- not only Christianity, but Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, Mormonism, etc---I can do whatever I feel like doing! Yaaay! I feel so enlightened now, because I always wanted to murder, rape, steal, and work on Sundays, and now I know I can in fact do ALL those things! Viola!

Annoynomous: thats the danger of turning your back on God.

Yes...but He gets better penetration that way. Eeeyouch!

Annoynomous: I say again, he loves you, you need a saviour.

I say again, God is non-existant, and you NEED the taste slapped out y'mouth for telling people what they "need".

Fundy: Take a moment to imagine what it would feel like to wake up from death to find that you were so terribly, terribly wrong?

Take a moment to NOT imagine that "zombies" exist.

Buffoon: Today is the day - Ask God, he will show you

Today is the day, *think*.

Droid: A tip though, repent from all forms of buddhism, please. tell him (Jesus) that he alone is God. See how your life will change.

Yes, yes!...we wouldn't want poor wittle Jeebie-weebie to feel jealous.....after all, the creator of the universe has a fragile ego.
Anonymous said…
Anon christian wrote:"Do you REALLY want to burn forever?
Of course you don't. But, you are still alive. seek God. seek to be REALLY converted. the problem is you never believed in the 1st place. God is merciful, he loves you, buddhism is idol worship. please ask God to show you the way. Your flesh and satan cause you to choose religions or (lack of) that allow you to do whatever you want to do. isn't that convenient? thats the danger of turning your back on God. You lose discernment and begin to dabble into abomination. I say again, he loves you, you need a saviour. Take a moment to imagine what it would feel like to wake up from death to find that you were so terribly, terribly wrong? Can't go back and change it. Today is the day - Ask God, he will show you. A tip though, repent from all forms of buddhism, please. tell him (Jesus) that he alone is God. See how your life will change."

REPLY: Oh oogey boogey! Frankly, as far as I am concerned, you can take your hellfire fear and jam it where the sun don't shine. The only hell that exists is the one in your mind you depend upon "being there" to validate your own stupidity for believing in your imaginary friend.

NO loving god would resort to an either/or option to get people onside and that is exactly what bible god does. "Follow and believe in "me" or hellfire for you - no negotiations!"

Also as to your satan reference! The irony of "convenience" for that little nut belongs soley to the biblebashers, as atheists don't "do" god,they also don't "do" satan. (a by-product OF god belief). I don't know HOW many times I have heard or seen the christian defence "satan took hold" or "satan made me do it", to negate responsibility for their own heinous, debauched, murderous and corrupt actions, then forcing out croc-tears to "show" they are REALLY repentant for the murder, fraud, rape etc they have committed (rolling eyes) but god has forgiven them, despite them ripping off a granny to the tune of her life savings, or raping a 10yr old alterboy(or MANY) or murdering a whole family because they were "non believers" and god- wink wink "told" them to do it!

The whole god belief crap lets the arseholes of society get off scot free...just because they "believe"!


So as I stated before, JAM IT and will someone pass me a beer!! :-)

Astreja said…
(passes beer to Jillian) Okay, my turn to dice and slice Anonymous.

First: Buddhism is not idol worship. There is "Buddhist" paraphernalia out there, but Buddhists don't tend to worship it. If you're going to play that particular card, you'd better not have *any* of the following in your possession:

- Crosses, even tiny ones;

- Angels;

- Pictures or statuettes of Jesus or Mary;

- "Praying Hands" needlepoint, brass plaques, and similar junk;

- Nativity sets for use at Christmas time.

And I'd be very surprised indeed if you can correctly identify a statuette of Shakyamuni Buddha. Most "Buddha" statues are actually HoTei, the Chinese good luck god. (Oh, and HoTei loves having his tummy rubbed. I suspect he was a cat in a previous life.)

- Second: If your idea of a "loving" god is one who burns people forever for disbelief, you've chained yourself to a monster. I don't think that Hell exists, but if it does exist I'm going there of my own free will. I can not and will not worship a being that would create a place of eternal torture.
Dee said…
Has anyone ever contemplated the possibility that, if hell exists, that it exists to allow those who do not believe to not be dragged into heaven kicking and screaming? Maybe, if it exists, it is a place to be away from God and is not a place of eternal torture. Just a thought.
Jim Arvo said…
Dee asked "Has anyone ever contemplated the possibility that, if hell exists, that it exists to allow those who do not believe to not be dragged into heaven kicking and screaming?"

That would make sense for those who believe heaven exists and have a dramatic aversion to ever going there. Sure. However, it makes no sense whatsoever for people who think it would be a lovely place if it actually existed.

Dee continued "Maybe, if it exists, it is a place to be away from God and is not a place of eternal torture."

Same comment as above. For those who believe that "god" exists (presumably you refer to Yahweh), and nevertheless do not wish to be near him, it would be nice to have a comfortable getaway, perhaps overlooking the sea. It might also be used for those who simply see no evidence of such a being (such as myself). If I get to choose, I'd like to go somewhere that serves sushi every day and has fast internet access. I figure that would keep me content for a good long while. :-) Oh, and god would be quite welcome to drop by any time; I've nothing against her apart from her apparent non-existence (that and all the blood spilling and treachery, which I suppose I could eventually overlook if push came to shove).
boomSLANG said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
boomSLANG said…
Dee: Has anyone ever contemplated the possibility that, if hell exists, that it exists to allow those who do not believe to not be dragged into heaven kicking and screaming?

What a twisted hypothesis.

Okay, here....

Believer: "Hey? you want to go to the magical castle where the magical Wizard lives, and ride his magical dragon?"

Skeptic: "Y'know, it seems really enticing, but there's a slight problem..... I don't believe in magical castles, Wizards, or dragons."

Believer: "What? doN'T?...well, you'll be dowsed with lighter fluid and incinerated if you don't want to go the magical Castle."

Skeptic: "Huh???? why?....why must I be burnt to a crisp for not wanting to go to a place that I don't even believe in?"

Believer: "Why?....because the Wizard doesn't want you to come 'kicking and screaming' for all those who don't want to come, the Wizard thought it would be nice to provide the option to be ignited with hot flames instead. Just feel lucky that you even have an 'alternative'."

....Are you %$#@ing kidding me? LMAO!

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