Free to live

sent in by Holly

I first became interested in religion and God when I hit my sophomore year of high school. Those years weren't the best for me, for some people they are but for me they weren't. It was difficult fitting in, and trying to be popular to me was just so superficial. I wanted more than that to make me happy.

I sought out religion because I had so many questions about life, about God, about living. I thought that I didn't know anything and more than anything, I wanted to fit in. I went to church on and off for the remainder of my high school years, when I hit college things were different for me.

Things weren't as difficult socially as they were in high school. I grew up a lot in college. I was no longer the awkward young girl.

It was in college that I really began to ask questions about everything, critical and logical questions. These questions were difficult for many Christians to accept as well as my honesty about certain things in religion. I would try to be honest about how I felt about things that were difficult for me to accept like dying for Jesus Christ if you're face with that.

I didn't go to see The Passion of the Christ, because I didn't want to see such a gruesome and violent movie. I can handle movie action but this wasn't your usual stylized movie action, and I could tell that from the released trailers and production photos at movie websites.

I got criticized by Christians for admitting my honest feelings of struggles with faith, and I was also getting tired how petty Christians are. They think that their strength in God and in their faith, is by not seeing R rated movies, by only surrounding yourself with Christian entertainment. By not cursing and by playing the role of the happy little Christian.

If there's something popular in pop culture, the Christians try to convert it to the church by adding Jesus, Christian, and God and I think they do that because they feel that if its secular then they can't be involved with that. As if the only thing that they can be involved with is all things pertaining to Christianity. Its really sick. Its like a disease. I was tired of that.

I was tired of feeling guilty of seeing a movie if it contained a couple of curse words and a sex scene. I was tired of the guilt that Christians and Christianity try to make you feel guilty. That's why they have their own versions of publishing, movies, and music. Yet its all imitation of what is happening in secular culture. Christian stuff isn't as good as the authentic things.

Most of all it drives me crazy when educated people, deny the scientific evidence for evolution and for other scientific facts. For example, scientists have figured out how to date rocks and other things, but certain Christians with college degrees refuse to admit that these rocks are millions of years old, and say that the earth is still 6,000 years old or whatever. How can people ignore scientific proof when its standing right there in front of you? Maybe its hard to give up religious beliefs, but its worth it if the truth is right in front of you.

I had a lot of questions that I knew I wasn't going to get answers for, I know that. I just didn't think Christians would be so uncomfortable by that, what's the point of believing in God and having faith if you can't ask the hard questions? I'm not interested in being a robot. I took a class in world religions in culture, and saw similarities in religion. Then I learned of an ancient religion called Zoroastrianism which was the basic beliefs for future religions like Christianity, Islam and Judaism.

I'm just a normal young woman in my twenties trying to make sense of this world and of my life. I do believe in a higher power in the world, I think many of us call this higher power God. Religion is all made up as I see it. All of it was written by human beings who may or may not have been in their right mind.

No one can know what went on during those times when the "holy texts" of the world were written, no one knows what went through those peoples minds when they wrote what they thought were truth and scriptures. That's why I can't believe that the Christian bible is the complete truth. I do think that there's good and evil in this world, created by humans, who else?

No one is against you, the world isn't against you, the cosmos aren't against you. Honestly. Its a tough world, I don't know why, its just the way that it is. I think that we're the only ones stopping ourselves from truly becoming better people and succeeding. We choose what we believe about our lives and ourselves, we choose what we become.

I'm tired of the fanaticism that has been taken over in this country, people are getting really paranoid with their religion. If something bad happens then its the result of the devil according to them, well I refuse to feel fear of something that's made up! It doesn't help that Christian authors write about spiritual warfare. I don't want that fear and paranoia in my life.

I have felt so free ever since I quit Christianity. I feel more confident in who I am as a human being, I'm no longer unhappy like I used to be always worrying that I was never pleasing God. I watch movies that I was afraid of watching before thinking they were immoral, they aren't! I have a lot of catching up to do since I'm such a huge film buff. When I listen to Madonna, I don't feel guilty anymore. I love her music.

More than ever I feel free to no longer define my life and myself by whether or not I watched an R rated movie and if that makes me a good person or not! I'm free of legalism, Christians fool themselves into thinking that their in a relationship with God but they're just bound by legalism. No wonder so many of them lead secret lives and are so messed up. No wonder so many teens rebel against their families.

I'm free to be me, I'm free to live. I have purpose and meaning, and that can't always be defined by religion.Its something that I have to define for myself. I love myself and my life. I love my family, my friends and I do my best to have strong relationships. I try to make the best of every day and of the life that I've been given. Its all any one of us can do.

How old were you when you became a Christian? 16
How old were you when you ceased being a Christian? 21
What churches or organizations or labels have applied to you? non-denominational
What labels, if any, would you apply to yourself now? freethinker, humanist, spiritual
Why did you become a Christian? I thought I found the truth
Why did you de-convert? I was unhappy living a Christian life, I realized Christianity isn't the truth
I don't come from a religious family. Some people in my family believe in a general God but no one's really religious and that's a relief since I have quit Christianity and the church.


Anonymous said…

Good post! You are a good thinker. Christianity can be very confusing and challenging when one starts to ask the big questions that need to be asked. You are on the right track to your freedom. It's good to hear that you do not come from one of those fundamentalist religious families. It will be a lot easier to get away from religion as a whole without the family pressure. You are still young and you are going to come across new friends. These friends will share similar beliefs as you. You will be successful in life with your way of thinking. You will be happier and really get a chance to know who you are and that is the most important thing!!

My story is very similar to yours. I became a christian around the age of 21 and quit being a christian around the age of 25. I went to bible college and discovered like many of us exchristians that the bible is not the truth. I'm 27 now and I know that the truth is out there, but it is something that remains a mystery to the world. Maybe I'll never know the truth about our beginnings, but it is very easy to find meaning in this life.

Good Luck! - Jason
Steven Bently said…
Holly you're so young to have figured out that all religions all total man-made BS. The christians are just actors trying to impress the preacher or the other members or people in their community. They put selfimposed restrictions on themselves, this way, if they deny themselves something that they want to do and do not do it, then they feel all selfrighteous and holy inside.

Many here wish that they had discovered the foolishness of religion at an early age.

Like Jason said, Life remains a mystery, and it's not meant for us to know what it is, the people that wrote the Bible had to write something down, otherwise they would have been fed to the Lions or beheaded, because they claimed to be a prophet. I think like you, that most of them were completely insane. I also think it takes someone insane, or not mentally stable, to believe in such nonsense.

They have recently discovered another fossil in Brazil, of a Dinosaur much larger that the largest one ever found. I think that the more fossils that they find, proves how less we really do know, even now. I think they will predict that the world is actually older than the estimated 3.5 billions years old. If that is the case, then *god* has just recenty been discovered, (6000 years?).

Welcome aboard Holly and Jason to sanity, and freedom from religion.
TC, Ben
Anonymous said…
What you said about Christians "baptizing" secular culture is absolutely correct! You could not be more right about that! I wish it were not so. I especially hate the "Got truth" shirts taken from the "Got milk" adds, and those billboards that say something like "Before the game this sunday, lets meet at my house. God." I probably dislike them for different reasons than you though. (because I am a Christian) I do have to ask about the Zorastrianism though. Not sure how that religion influenced Judaism or Christianity. It was started around 600 B.C. or B.C.E. (some scholars believe 1500 - 1000) whichever you prefer, and Judaism was started around 2000 B.C. Seems to me that Zoraster would have borrowed from the Hebrews, they were the first monotheists. I am having a hard time finding a link with Christianity also. The teachings are different. Zoraster never claimed a savior, and claimed that we are judged by what we do, and that good thoughts lead to good words which lead to good deeds. This stands in contrast to Christianity. Not trying to win you back, just wanted to talk about your post.
Anonymous said…
Hi guys thanks for responding. Yeah I agree with your responses, life is a mystery, there is so much we don't know. I really wish that I found out the truth about religion, I feel as if I wasted my teen years on something fake but I guess we have to go through those things to get where we want to be.

jeremullet, thank you for being very respectful and for not preaching. I really respect you for that, some christians think that by being rude or preachy they can accomplish something...which isn't always the case.

Well I'm not saying that everything in Zoroastrianism inspired christianity and the other religions, but a lot of this
religions basic beliefs have inspired other religions. Check it out at...

or just type in Zoroastrianism at

Every culture has an origin story, and every faith and the people of those faiths are genuine about their beliefs. Sometimes I wonder if God ( or the higher power) is looking down at us and seeing at how foolish we all are by arguing with each other and threatening each other with religion and wars.

Maybe we should step back and appreciate each other instead of condeming each other and insisting that we're "right" I don't know just what I think...

I also know that there are stories of gods who have a life and death and rebirth cycles. Like that of the god Adonis. just type in Adonis at it'll tell you about that.

So its not just Jesus Christ, there are similarities in religion though they may not always be word for word. I don't think that there's ever a point where we stop learning and searching for the truth, not to sound depressing but life is a lifelong search for the truth even when you think you have found it.

I think there's always more to learn, more to know. We never reach the point where we know everything and I like that. Life's more interesting that way. I think I'm still seeking, I know I am.

But so much remains a mystery to me and others, I know there is a higher power some call it God, gods, others call it by other names, I just don't think that its knowable.

I do think we all have a purpose, I just want to appreciate my life and live it to the fullest. To not waste it.

Anyway thank you all for your comments, I loved reading them. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences, I always enjoy reading those. jeremullet, again thank you for being respectful and dignified in your response, I really respect you for that and for not being mean.
Anonymous said…
I would like to talk with you more. Not preach at you, but I like the questions you raise about truth. If you would like to have a discussion about those things you can write me personally at Again, this is just to talk. It is difficult to get to the real issues on a message board, thats just the nature of the beast. (no offense to anyone) Anyway, drop me a line when you want. I want to thank you for not bashing Christianity like some others. I know and understand your hang ups but you didnt make us sound like a bunch of freaks. I appreciate that.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your comments everyone!
No offense to the decent people who come here, but this is why sometimes I don't like to explain to christians why I don't agree, because then they want to "talk" about it, which means they want to convert you back. Again, I'm sorry jeremullet but I've decided that this isn't the path for me.

I'm really not interested in arguing back and debating and philosophizing because I've been there plenty of times. I've talked to my christian friends about it and every possible topic we can. I've gone online to christian forums and spoken about it and debated the issues. Let me tell you in christian forums if people don't agree, it can get really ugly really fast. Although I did have a lot of debates that made me think a lot. That raised a lot of questions.

I had a close friend or someone who I thought was a close friend say to me "Unless you follow Jesus Christ I don't think we can be friends anymore. You are just living for yourself and looking out for #1."

Right "close friend" this was someone who I trusted. I thought they were a friend, but not really. I was wrong. Who is supposed to look out for me if not myself? I mean come on! Its a tough world when you step outside your door. I really regret this friendship.

mq59, thank you for your comments as well. Thanks for anyone who commented, it helps having your support and to know that I'm not alone. Thank you!

But please don't convert me, I'm a smart human being. I understand that not all christians are fanatics and that there are decent people out there, who have stood in times during adversity in history but its the overall principle of the faith, of the way of living that I have trouble with.

I'm not sure if I have trouble with it anymore, because I realize that its just another religion among many and I was just a fool.
Anonymous said…
Well, I'm glad it didn't take you long to see through the lies and walk away. I was a believer for almost a quarter of a century, and for a lot of that time I was 'struggling with doubt', as the evangelical types put it. As soon as I let go and admitted, out loud, it was all fiction, it was better, I felt better, freer, the guilt went away, I am now my own person. All religions do have a similiar background cause they were all made up by the same kind of men. Go on with your life in the real world, put the lying Christian stuff behind you and. . .all the best!
Anonymous said…
Holly said, "I'm free to be me, I'm free to live. I have purpose and meaning, and that can't always be defined by religion.Its something that I have to define for myself. I love myself and my life. I love my family, my friends and I do my best to have strong relationships. I try to make the best of every day and of the life that I've been given. Its all any one of us can do."

Ah, reality, and the acceptance that one can control their destiny and make a positive change, as opposed to having a god promising heaven after death, enjoy life and smell the fresh "guilt free" air.
Anonymous said…
Not a problem. The offer stands if you change your mind. Thank you for being respectful in declining. Just so you know, I didnt want to try and convert you, I just wanted to talk about some of the things you said about truth. Its hard to do that here.
Steven Bently said…
Yeah jeremullet, You would not recognize truth if it smacked you right in the face with a 2 x 4 post. You brainwahsed fundy!
Anonymous said…
Holly, your post could have been written by my own daughter. Everything about your story, from the age you were to the type of people/satiations you encountered was spot makes me wonder how common this experience is for young people who seem to be primary targets for the modern day non denominational. I can only hope my daughter comes out the other side as wise as you, she is still a little bitter about the whole thing.
Anonymous said…
Hey holly!

I have been through similiar things as you too! That's why i wanted to comment.

I also asked some hardcore questions, which i know if i ask other Christians, it would get ugly too.. i really agree with you..

but then i thought about it.. isnt it true in general? Not only for Christians/non-christian things. Some people like thinking about one things and some people do not. If i tried to "convert" someone to relativity and that time is not uniform. they would not like to think about it or do the maths, i think this goes for 80% of the population.

Whereas you asked some Christians questions, they may not like think about them. Not everyone is a philosopher..

but trust me, there are people who thought about the questions you have, and i hope i am one of them... you can email me, or at least tell me your questions so it can challenge me too!
Anonymous said…
A look at the real history of christianity is quite telling, especially in the "secular" areas which it dabbles. In the real early days, Ambrose, the bishop of Milan used the music that the young people liked for hymns as an attractant. They co-opted various local customs, festival days, and even local dieties (as saints, demons)into their christianity to make it acceptable to the locals.

I have never believed in any diety, not ever, but I can understand why people do. It's not for nothing that they say "I belong to..."

Best wishes to you, Holly, thrive, grow, be kind.
Anonymous said…
Hey all,

I am truly sorry to those who have been harmed or shunned by Christians in the past.

The Church and so-called Christians have committed many atrocities in the past which cannot be denied. If only people could uphold the commandment Jesus gave.

John 13:34 “A new command I give to you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you have loved one another.”

People fail. God never fails.

Hang in there mq!
Anonymous said…
To brainwashed Follower,

Your piece of shit God also said, "14:26 If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children,and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."

And then this brainwashed Follower said: "People fail. God never fails."

Um, your God brutally drowned everyone, including innocent babies, because your God failed...he "grieved" in his heart that he had made man. Can't you see your God was created by man?

Get your head out of your ass!

Steven Bently said…
The fundies think that they are so clever, that they could never be deceived by a lie.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for reminding me of Luke 14:26. Both John 13:35 and this passage remain. It affirms that true love for others emanate from a relationship with the God of love who enables us to love others. The two passages referred to are not in contradiction with one another. In fact, if you surrender your life to God, He will enable you to sacrifice yourself for others. Luke 14:26 is a clarion call to surrender all to God and to carry his cross and follow Him. (Verse 27).

The scripture referrers to those who place other things above their love for God. Unfortunately the church have become a cultural establishment for many where their incentive is to feel accepted and not to have a personal relationship with Christ.

I am reminded of the first Christians who gather in catacombs in fear of persecution and who were willing to sacrifice everything for their faith and love for God and fellow men.

That is why Christ taught his followers in Matthew 22:37 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment of the Law? Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

A few examples of those who sacrificed all for the message of love is: Apostle Paul who was beheaded; Apostle Peter who was crucified upside down and Stephen the disciple who was stoned to death. Throughout history, many believers paid the highest price for the love of God and fellow men. Mother Theresa is a prime example of a follower who sacrificed her live for the love of others.
Anonymous said…
Follower....Love covers all the commandments doesn't it. God is Love and we humans don't generate Love from ourselves but from God.
Love is what put Jesus on the cross, but hate anger and rage try to keep him there. But Praise Ye The Lord of Lords Lover of My Soul He Arose. He rebuilt the Temple in Three days HIM!
Anonymous said…
Bad news free one.

If your atheistic views are correct, then you ARE your DNA and you "dance to its tune".

You are more a slave now than ever.
Dave Van Allen said…
I'd say that horrific torture, in unending torment, in a pit of fire destined to be inhabited by most of humanity, is definitely "less love."

Oh yes, that's "less love" alright.

"Let the dead bury their own dead."

Yup, less love for sure.

"If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed."

Less love there.

"I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies."

Not much love there.

You hate all workers of iniquity. (Psalm 5:5)God is angry with the wicked every day. (Psalm 7:11)

"The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul HATETH" ( Ps. 11:5 ).

When a Christian hates God's enemies we show our love for God (Ps 139:19-22). When we pray to God to destroy the wicked, we are showing our hate for what comes from evil doings and that they (sinners and doers of evil) be stopped (Rev 6:9-11).

Just a little less love, that's all.
Dave Van Allen said…
Don't you know your Bible John?

1Cor 16:22—"If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed." NKJV
Dave Van Allen said…
So it's okay to HATE "very bad people." I wonder where exactly the line is. Sure glad I'm not one of those "very bad people"—phew...
Dave Van Allen said…
We were talking about hate—Biblical hatred—what Jesus might have meant whne he said to hate your family.

In context with the rest of the Bible's definition of hate, that Jesus meant just to "love less" appears to be a weak explanation. That was my point.
Dave Van Allen said…
What would I do to heinous criminals if put in the position to pass judgement? Maybe you find this hard to believe MQ, but I would find it quite difficult to order the eternal torture of even the most henious criminal. In fact, I don't think I'd order even temporal torture. Imprisonment or death? Quite possibly, however, everlasting, horrific, painful agony? No.
Anonymous said…
Holly,you are very lucky indeed to escape a lifetime of religious bondage.The "passion of christ" helped me deconvert two years ago.I could no longer believe in a god who would go thru such drama and cruely to ranson man back to him.How can modern man still believe in such nonsence?
Dave Van Allen said…
But that's what your god does to those he intensely dislikes, MQ. He consigns them to everlasting torment in the Lake of Fire. "Depart from me ye cursed..." and all that.

If I were to imitate god, then I'd keep those criminals alive just to torture them.
Dave Van Allen said…
Bla bla bla MQ!

You left out one difference. It says that in Christ all these people are one, but ONLY in Christ. Anyone who chooses to be different than the prevailing version of Christianity is viewed as destined to burn in horrific, eternal, retributive torture. For about 1300 years Christianity held sway over civil government throughout Europe and mercilessly persecuted anyone who resisted Christ: whether Jew, Greek, free, slave, male or female. As a movement, Christianity has NEVER been humanely accepting of anyone outside Christianity. Christianity promises everlasting torture for EVERYONE that refuses. In Christianity no one ever dies. All people live forever, but most of them live forever in hell.

MQ, I found a friend for you: click here. Don't condemn this person, she doesn't sound any different than you. She is completely convinced and absolutely sure that she has the real truth, that she is doing good by warning people, that her actions are commended by GOD.

Think about it, really think about it—if you can.
Anonymous said…
hello holly,

just like to say a lot of people seem to have a problem with faith
they are told to belive without
any reason to question the faith
if you want faith with scientific
proof then you might want check the quran out it has got a lot of
proof on science and a lot of things scientist did not know which was in the quran 1400 years ago if you need any more information email me (
you might want to know that the quran talks about jesus moses adam
life after death and this life
salvation belief in 1 god
do not be scared check it out
i think you will be happy to find out about the truth
also check out (yusuf estes)google.
i hope you find what you are looking for
like they say if you want the truth the truth will come to you.
Anonymous said…
hello holly,

just like to say a lot of people seem to have a problem with faith
they are told to belive without
any reason to question the faith
if you want faith with scientific
proof then you might want check the quran out it has got a lot of
proof on science and a lot of things scientist did not know which was in the quran 1400 years ago if you need any more information email me (
you might want to know that the quran talks about jesus moses adam
life after death and this life
salvation belief in 1 god
do not be scared check it out
i think you will be happy to find out about the truth
also check out (yusuf estes)google.
i hope you find what you are looking for
like they say if you want the truth the truth will come to you.

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