Part iconoclast, part theist

Sent in by Roland

'Never wishing to throw the baby out with the bathwater', I have yet to do so and won't -ever.

I am part iconoclast and part theist, ExChristian to be sure, -not that it was my original intention nor have I chosen to be, -but the 'icon of Christianity' that I came to know should not have been created in the first place. I am not particularly sorry for breaking that which should never have been made in the first place (hence 'iconoclast').

I did not start 'the lie', -I only learned of it and am more than willing to post what I have learned as a result... both about the lie and, more importantly the truth (as I know and/or understand it).

My 'theism' stems from (my) love... being loved and loving... (extremely difficult and private to articulate and/or explain...) of life, nature, learning, etc., etc., etc... the list is practically endless... suffice it to say that without 'love' one can not live rightly, nor understand correctly.

My being an ExChristian does not mean that I 'hate' Christianity... it is, after all is said and done, 'irrelevant'. Nevertheless, I hold these truths to be self-evident... That I was (and am) 'created', 'exist' (What an awesome wonder, miracle and blessing...), -knowing full well that I don't know shit about more things than I can even count... save only that I love (because I am loved), and that I am 'here' for a reason.

Although there are x many 'members' within this Honorable Site, I am in a company of One... like a drop of water in the Ocean... I lovingly welcome all comments re. my position herein.


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