I finally got my self-respect

Sent in by A. Ford

When I was a child, we were always taken to a Free Will Baptist church by my mother. However, my dad never attended. The church was across the street from where we lived (my parents moved here for that very reason), so we had no excuse for being absent.

At the age of 2, my life seemed to be one of constant failure psychologically. It was then that I was bitten by my uncle's dog under one eye. The bite left a scar when it healed, and I became very self-concious, even though it didn't show up that bad. A few years later, I had to have surgery on my eyes (7 years old). I had to wear glasses after the surgery for at least 3 or 4 years.

My family were the only people I thought I could trust amongst all the doctors, dentists, etc. However, my dad constantly belittled everything I did to the point that I had no self-esteem. My brother and I fought a lot, and when I was 13, he became an alcoholic, so when we got in fights, he became very violent (he tried to kill me a couple of times, and I suffered a concussion during one of his rages). On top of all this, my older sister had Down's syndrome, and most of my mother's time went to dealing with her so that I was neglected.

As if this were not bad enough, I had no friends. Ever since kindergarten, my teachers had separated me from the one person I knew because they thought he (and others) was a bad influence on me. I was poor, and I wore hand-me downs because my parents had no money to buy us clothes; this just made kids laugh at me. There were a few kids at church, but they were foreign to me since I only saw them once a week, and they lived pretty far from where I lived.

When I became a teenager, my problems worsened. I did not get a driver's license at 16 because my dad wanted to "lord" over me. It didn't matter, because I only knew a couple of other people who tried to get me into trouble anyway. My dad and brother fought a lot, and I had no way of escaping the violence, because I had no license. This was probably the worst point in my life. I started reading the Bible heavily, and church was about the only place I could go during the week. God was the only one I could "trust", but of course, he really did nothing.

I graduated high school and went to my local college. While there, I was a very good student (nearly all A's), and I eventually got my Master's degree in chemistry. I went away and got a PhD in Chemistry in 2005. I remained faithful to my religion through the whole time, even though I knew of several problems with the scriptures. I always went to church and believed that someday someone would answer all the questions. Even so, I knew I was getting older, and the problems with the scriptures were building instead of lessening.

I came back to my home town to do a post doc at my alma matter. At this point, I still had a little kid mentality because of all the psychological abuse from my dad (i.e. I just couldn't trust anyone). I had almost no friends because our denomination, which discouraged alcohol use and sale, was small (e.g. there were only two people in my Sunday school class), and I felt like I should avoid ubiquitous situations where alcohol was present.

While at home, I had a few health problems. Prayer did not seem to be working, even though I prayed earnestly at least 30 minutes daily, and I began to wonder if I should just accept my fate. I went to the doctor several times during this period, only to be given antibiotics and steroids repeatedly. Then, something I had prayed about for 13 years finally failed to actualize (how's that for faith), and I just flat out gave up on God. I had read the Bible at least 15 times, and I just couldn't ignore all the errors and mistakes I had found all those years.

This was a terrible period of time for me. I had given everything to God. After 20 years of being "saved", my life had no direction now, since I didn't exactly know what the purpose of life was. However, I did have a PhD and a promising career. I thought to myself, if God was not there when I accomplished my PhD, I could make it through life without him anyway. Now, I not only had courage to go on, but all the years of psychological abuse started to roll away. I didn't have to "honor my father and mother" or "submit to others" because I was afraid of a wrathful God or because I wanted to set a godly example . I could do whatever I wanted and everyone else could just screw themselves for all I cared. I finally got back a part of me that my parents, peers, and teachers had stolen from me all those years. I finally got my self-respect.


Anonymous said…
You's got friends now; try Robert Ingersoll,Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins,Mark Twain,Tom Paine-for starters. Theres More
Inspiring story
Anonymous said…
I believe that most of us ex-Christers feel the same way once we woke up and realized that religion is no more holy than Mother Goose,or any other fable. I was 17 when I finally knew there was no god, angels or hell, just humans who were derermined to make everyone else share their delusion. Today at age 72, I am openly atheist and have found that many of my friends are also nonbelievers, but can only confide that information confidentially as they are married to a believer or have close family members who are. Religion, like any other disease, is insideous and self replicating. Thankfully, the internet allows us to communicate and identify. Thank god, I'm an atheist.
Nvrgoingbk said…
I too was stripped of my dignity throughout my childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Religion only confirmed my unworthiness, and so I lived in a mental Hell until I left it all behind forever, and just as it did for you, it began to "roll away".

I too, had that exhilerating feeling of not having to be afraid anymore of always needing to jump through hoops. No more performing. I have the reins now, and life is far more enjoyable and rewarding.

I'm still left melancholy over the fact that it was all a lie and that there seems no eternal significance to my life, but my mind is no longer tormented by thoughts of a sadistic God that I could never please.

Great post A. Ford. I empathize with the pain you experienced as a youth, but I am proud to see you have left your cocoon behind.
Anonymous said…
As if this were not bad enough, I had no friends...There were a few kids at church, but they were foreign to me since I only saw them once a week, and they lived pretty far from where I lived.
Me too.

Why is this such a mystery to Christains? Children need other children. They need other kids just to hang out with, to make their own friendships. The psychological problems this causes last all our lives.

Good on you Mr Ford. You're obviously a smart guy, I hope things work out well for you.

Anonymous said…
Hey man, try getting into a dirt bike accident when you are a kid where you crashed into a farmer's barbed wire fence face first and have to live with those facial scars! I also had a messed up chrisian upbringing with some family violence thrown in the mix for fun too. I also had a tough time with not having many friends growing up and wanting to escape. I am an atheist now, and my life still sucks for the most part, but at least I am living now without the fear, guilt and delusion that went with my religion. And I can now see life the way it actually is in reality.
Anonymous said…
The effect of religion is similar to any other opiate. Initially it offers freedom from your worries and cares and promises to deliver you to a state of well-being, a state of eternal bliss. Alas, as the drugs wear off and the reality of your life settles back in, you’re no better off than before you ingested the drug. The same goes for religion. It does have the feel-good part initially but as you evaluate your faith, pray, study, you find that it is empty. It is make-believe just like the Easter bunny, Santa Clause and the rest. I’m happy that you have found your self-esteem. No one needs religion to carry a healthy self-esteem.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the comments. It's nice to hear that people have gone through similar things. I'm still a little messed up in the head mainly because I don't know how to interact with all these people in the Bible belt (especially my family). People here are convinced they follow God, even though they violate so many of the Bible's teachings (nearly all my cousins and Christians I grew up with have been divorced, church people put an emphasis on wealth, etc.). This is one reason I left Christianity; no one is really sincere. I was like a saint when I was a fundie, and I took every word of the Bible to heart, even though the church didn't teach this.
Fortunately, I work among scientists who don't put too much emphasis on God, and I find myself being far more considerate and polite towards them now that I am religion free. It is nice to just be myself now. Still, missing out on having friends to talk to face to face is kind of disappointing.
Anonymous said…
having a relationship with God is like being married. there are ups and downs. it isn't easy. i too have been saved twenty years and for some reason this year i have struggled the most in my relationship with him. but i do love HIm and will keep following HIm. I must daily choose to love HIm. sometimes i just don't want to. but he is always there for me and after this tif in our relationship passes i believe our relationship will get better. god is a great friend. he is worth pursuing just cause he is awesome. it isn't easy being a christian. but no relationship is easy. they take work.
Anonymous said…
love is relational. god is love. i have a relationship with god. he is my best friend. he is all i live for. he has healed me, got me through many trials, the list goes on. my dog died last week. i went for prayer on sunday and a lady prayed for me. i wanted the picture of my dog dead on a rock (he died after falling on a rock) out of my head. it was haunting me. after prayer, i could no longer see that picture. god removed it from my mind. he is a kind and loving god. he is.
Dave Van Allen said…

There is not one single verse in the Bible to support anything you are saying. Nowhere does the Bible say that Christianity is a relationship.

However, there are quite a few places that talk about religion.

You've been misled.

And please stop spamming the site.

Anonymous said…
Why can't people read their Bible critically before making statements like anonymous does? I've read the Bible some 15 times through, and I was a Sunday school teacher. The Bible is just a fairy tale in most cases; it is full of lies and false history. I can see that now, but you just avoid such ideas when you want to believe the Bible is absolutely true. How many people think they are doing what God wants, yet they wear jewelry, worship on Sunday, not Saturday, pray publicly, and many other things that the Bible condemns outright? And Jesus was not all about love; among other reasons, why would the disciples leave their families to follow Jesus if he encouraged family values? The church is just a social club in the present time, and it has little to do with Jesus' teachings.
Anonymous said…
I understand you have decided to deny Jesus Christ. But I must tell you He still loves you beyond you can ever imagine. Now is the time to reconsider your decision and give your heart to Him. The battle has been won at Calvary. He defeated Staten then. Satan is a deceiver he came to still kill and destroy. He knows his time is limited so he will deceive as many people as he can. With out faith it is impossible to understand the price that Jesus Christ paid for mankind's sin. Only through childlike faith and relying on the Holy Spirit. I urge all of you to read the Holy Bible diligently and ask the Holy Spirt for a clear understanding. If you seek Jesus he will revel Himself to you. trust me. I am a living proof. Everything in the Holy Bible is true. It has no error in it. Who ever is reading this we are living in the last days. Jesus will soon come to take His. Then the Antichrist ( a man indwelt by Satan) will come to power. He Will promise peace and wonders but all of it will be lies the world will choose sides It will be a requirement of the new world order or government to take the Antichrist's mark (id) on your right hand or forehead including worshiping of his image. If you refuse you will be beheaded weather you are a Christian or not. it's unlikely one will accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ If she /he has already rejected him.
Now is the time to receive salvation by the Grace of God.
you must be born again to see the kingdom of heaven.
Lastly Jesus made this bold statement to his disciples ...anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. ( Matthew 10: 38)
following Jesus Christ might cost you your very life. But it is worth every thing. For in Him we have life everlasting. People it is now or never. Jesus has said " I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me. John 14:6 NIV

God has been waiting to have a relationship with you. It is up to you to let him in to you life.

BB said…
To all ex Christians

I understand you have decided to deny Jesus Christ. But I must tell you He still loves you beyond you can ever imagine. Now is the time to reconsider your decision and give your heart to Him. The battle has been won at Calvary. He defeated Staten then. Satan is a deceiver he came to still kill and destroy. He knows his time is limited so he will deceive as many people as he can. With out faith it is impossible to understand the price that Jesus Christ paid for mankind's sin. Only through childlike faith and relying on the Holy Spirit. I urge all of you to read the Holy Bible diligently and ask the Holy Spirt for a clear understanding. If you seek Jesus he will revel Himself to you. trust me. I am a living proof. Everything in the Holy Bible is true. It has no error in it. Who ever is reading this we are living in the last days. Jesus will soon come to take His. Then the Antichrist ( a man indwelt by Satan) will come to power. He Will promise peace and wonders but all of it will be lies the world will choose sides It will be a requirement of the new world order or government to take the Antichrist's mark (id) on your right hand or forehead including worshiping of his image. If you refuse you will be beheaded weather you are a Christian or not. it's unlikely one will accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ If she /he has already rejected him.
Now is the time to receive salvation by the Grace of God.
you must be born again to see the kingdom of heaven.
Lastly Jesus made this bold statement to his disciples ...anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. ( Matthew 10: 38)
following Jesus Christ is not easy. But it is worth every thing. For in Him we have life everlasting.


2/02/2007 12:33 AM
Steven Bently said…
To BB,

Deuteronomy Ch 23:2 A bastard child shall not enter the congregation of the Lord, even into his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.

Joseph and Mary could not have been married, otherwise Mary would not have been a virgin.

Jesus was born a bastard child, not one would speak up for him, not even his own mother.

What you have is a delusional relationship with a book of fables, that's all you have.
Anonymous said…
To BB,

Your post betrays a profound ignorance of who you are addressing. Have you taken even ten minutes to try to understand what positions we take here? I think not. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) Until you are willing to grasp a point of view that is different from your own, I will politely suggest you post elsewhere. Bye now.
Anonymous said…
in response to your statement
" Jesus was born a bastard child, not one would speak up for him, not even his own mother."
The Book of Duteronmy is made up of three sermons. Moses preached them on the Plainof Moab as he prepared to turn his ledership responsibilities over to Joshua. In sermon one Moses recalls the nation's history from it's roots to the present.As you read, look for his thems fatih and unbelief, obedience and disobedience. But You will still find God's faithfulness even when the people were faihless.
Jesus could not have a biological father that would make him human just like us. If he was only human he would not have been able to aton for mankind's sin. (Save anyone) So he had to be fully human and fully God. He brought him self to our level. His ministry lasted only three years yet revolutinized the world. This world has not been the same ever since. He lived a blameless and sinless life.

I don't have a delusional relationship with a book of fables that's. I have life everlasting because I beleive God sent His one and only begotten Son to die on the cross for my sins.
I wish you can grasp what Jesus accomplished on the cross for you. He traded places with each and everyone of us. He paid for our transgressions. And said It is finished. He defeted death on the third day. So we may have an everlasting life through him.
Today the world is in love with darkness. That is why there is so much pain and hate.
In John 3:19 We have God's verdict ... Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light,and will not come into the light for fear that his evil deeds will be exposed. But who ever lives by truth comes into the light, so it may be seen plainly that what hehas done has been done through God."
Steven my point is it is impossible to have a relationship with God if you don't have faith. You must belive He is God and He knows it all. He has numberd your days on earth. Psalm 139 you can't add one day more no matter what you do. So why don't you surrender to him and let him transform you by the renwing of your mind Romans 12:2

Christianty is a relationship with Jesus it is not about church membership. And listining to corrupt men who stand on the pulpits. Study the holy bible God's words. Seek him as if your life depended on it.
You will find Him.

Dave Van Allen said…

2. The revelation of this Book is from Allah, Exalted in Power, Full of Knowledge,-

3. Who forgiveth sin, accepteth repentance, is strict in punishment, and hath a long reach (in all things). there is no god but He: to Him is the final goal.

4. None can dispute about the Signs of Allah but the Unbelievers. Let not, then, their strutting about through the land deceive thee!
— (Qur'an, SÅ«ra 40: MÅ«-min, Section)

Seek Allah with all your heart BB. He will hear you and accept you into his loving embrace. But, if you reject his love, he will destroy you forever in hell.

Repent BB.

Anonymous said…

I'd surely like to help you, and I'm sure others here would as well. You are in the grips of a cult that has fed you a bunch of fantastic stories and held your mind hostage. Here is a little experiment. If you think what I said above is complete nonsense, then please do the following: please pick one or two of your statements above (e.g. "Moses preached..." or "[Jesus] had to be fully human and fully God" or "I have life everlasting...", etc.) and please explain how you know it to be so. I will wager that you cannot do so in a way that differs in any meaningful way from members of other cults. For example, you will quote the authority of your holy book, or a revelation from some invisible entity, or some stories that you've been told, or quote some "facts" that you've never checked, of even fail to grasp that there is anything that requires the force of evidence, clinging to "faith" in its stead. In other words, you will demonstrate for all of us that you cannot think outside the confines of your cult. Hopefully you will begin to see it too, and eventually that may start you down a path toward regaining your own mind. Many of the regulars here have been just where you are now, and they eventually found their way out. You can too.

Best of luck to you.
Steven Bently said…
To BB,
Assuming the Bible to be true, theoretically Adam and Eve would be still living today, if only they had not chose to sin, (man's imaginative answer as to why we die) then God sent his perfect son Jesus, to save us from our sins, yet he died also, but how could he have died a physical death, being perfect and without sin? Here's how!

Jesus was the recipient of the biggest hoax and fabrication that the world has ever witnessed.

Mary was an attractive young girl of 12 years old and she went to church every day to pray and so she was befriended by the local priest, whom she had built enormous trust, she started her period one day and was scared as any young girl would be, and consulted her priest and he told her she would have to be initiated into the Kingdom of Heaven, by way of Holy Immaculate Conception, she had no idea what that meant, she just knew she did not want to take a chance and end up in Hell, so he devised a plan to molest her. A couple of weeks later, the priest took Mary down to a room in the rear of the church, where they would not likely be seen, nor heard, and he advised her to follow his every command, and right there he had his way with Mary, unclothed her, kissed her passionately and inseminated her and she was with child, unbenounced to her, the priest told her not to tell anyone, otherwise she would undo her blessing soon to come, she just knew something didn't seem at all right.

Now a month later, she became sick with morning sickness and she quickly consulted her priest and he said that she had received a gift from God in the form of the Holy Spirit and that she was inseminated by a Angel of God, the priest knowing that if it got out to the public that he had molested Mary, he and Mary and Joseph would have quickly been stoned to death, by having a baby out of wedlock a deadly unpardonable sin of that time.

Jesus was born and he was told all his life that he was in fact sent to Earth by a God, since the very first day that he was born, he was uplifted and praised as a man of God, so Jesus had no reason not to believe that he was sent by a God.

It would have all been more believable if Jesus was still alive even today, because others in the Bible supposedly lived over 800 years old, so nothing would have seemed unusual, even if Jesus had still been walking on Earth today.

But Jesus thought also himself, that he was from a God, he thought that he would survive the crucifixion, because of Mark 9:1 but their little scheme failed, because Jesus never returned, had Jesus still been living today there would be no need for faith, no need for churches and preachers, no need for different beliefs and all the different denominations.

Jesus was not sent from a God, and never was, many thought he was, but he himself got fooled along with many millions of people.

If Jesus was God, then why did he supposedly say on the cross, "My God, My God, Why has thou forsaken me?"

And why did it take three days for Jesus to resurrect, when supposedly God created the whole universe in just six days?

If I were a God, I would be more concerned about regulating the temperature of the Sun and keeping the billions of galaxies, planets and Suns similar to our own in perfect alignment, rather than be concerned about what a bunch of ignorant fools on a tiny minuscule planet insists in believing in their minds.

Genesis 1:17 But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; thall shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shall surely die.

Did Eve also coax and entice Jesus to sin, so that he may die a physical death just like everyone else that has ever lived?

If the wages of sin is death, then Jesus having been perfect could not have died nor could he have been killed.

This is exactly what they were counting on back then, when asked "Who shall speak for this man?" No one spoke up, not even his own mother, because they knew he would survive crucifixion.

Even Jesus himself thought he would come down from the cross and live forever, but he got fooled.

That's the reason there was so much shuffling and commotion going on there and the body was missing?

Why was the body missing, if it's the soul only, that rises? Because it was all a hoax.

Sin = physical death
No sin = no physical death, God's Law

Jesus was supposedly perfect without sin, theoretically Jesus could not have been killed in any manner, this was God's original law, this is a fatal flaw overlooked in the Bible.

Jesus got fooled, as did his faithful followers, just as many many millions even today.

Jesus wasn't a sacrifice for sins, he died just like every human being that has ever lived and died, it was all a hoax perpetrated by a preacher trying to save his ass from being stoned to death for molesting a 12 year old girl.
Anonymous said…

Allah is not God. The Quran is a false Book. Don't be decived!
If you are praying to Allah you are praying to a false god.

There is Only One God The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.

He is the Everlasting God. Because of sin we live in a fallen world. But God always loved His people. He did not want us to perish. He gave his one and only begotten son to die on the cross to pay for our sin. Through His son Jesus Christ We can have reconciled to God our Father and creator.
If people choose not to receive salvation through a relationship with His Son Jesus, They die.

I pray the Holy Spirt will lead you to the Truth, The way, and the life. His name is Jesus!

Dave Van Allen said…
BB, the point of my comment is that quoting holy books is stupid.

One holy book says this, another says that... so what. All of them are written by people promoting a particular religion. None of these so-called holy books are written by a god.

You have no evidence that your holy book has any more claim to truth than anyone else's. You believe in your holy book because you were brought up in a culture that thinks that holy book is superior to others. Your reasons for believing are based on where you were born and ignorance.
Anonymous said…
Hello Webmaster,

Thank you for responding to my post.

I beleive you too are seeking for the truth. That is why I quoted the scriptures.

Now I have spent a considerable amount of time on this website. Some times I ask my self why do i bother? no one will listen they all read my post and laugh at me. But it not about me. I am a servant of God. I must testify and tell people God loves them.
I beleive Christianty is not just a religion. It is more than that. It is a realationship with Jesus Christ. It's not easy to pick up the cross and follow him. But It can be done Because He Lives in us and. Remeber Satan is the one who is ruling this world as a Chrisian I am a city built on a hill I can not be hidden. I am the light and salt of this earth.

I wonder what must have happened in yourlife or everyone in this webiste's to take such an extreme stand and call lable yourself as an Ex-Christian.

People just give up when life gets hard and things don't go as planned.
I am just trying to understand how one can turn their back on their creator!
I will assume everyone was at somepoint a Christian at some point in their life. I want to ask each and everyone of you how was your life when you were a Christian and how is it now that you have rejected Jesus? How do you feel when you deny the Holy Bible and and God's words. Do you have a testimony? I pray this will even cause you to seek for the truth.
May The Holy Spirit soften your heart and lead you to Jesus who is the Alpha and Omega. The Begining and the Last
Thank you all and May God Bless You.
Dave Van Allen said…

You do realize that you could click the "other" button and type in a pseudonym don't you? Posting under the "anonymous" moniker is a bit annoying as no one can tell which of the hundreds of anonymous posters you might be.

Anyway, you said: "I beleive [sic] Christianty [sic] is not just a religion. It is more than that. It is a realationship [sic] with Jesus Christ."

That's nice. However, there are no Bible verses that say Christianity is a "relationship with Jesus Christ." You've been misled on this. In fact, the word relationship does not appear anywhere in the Bible.

If you've really spent time on this site, then I wonder that you've apparently missed my "anti-testimony." It's linked in the left column of every page. Look a little harder, find it, and read it. Then you'll know why I am no longer a Christian.

Another thing, when Christian posters don't bother to take a few seconds to check the spelling of words like "Christianity" or "believe" in their comments, well, it makes one wonder if they've bothered to take any time at all evaluating their magical beliefs. If you really think you are the servant of "GOD," then presenting your message in an ignorant and poorly educated way seems counterproductive. Wouldn't you agree?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous/BB said "Now I have spent a considerable amount of time on this website. Some times I ask my self why do i bother?"

If you come up with a good answer to that, please do share it. We're all wondering the same thing.

BB: "...no one will listen they all read my post and laugh at me..."

I've read your posts, and I've responded. BB, you are a cult member. You cannot think outside the confines of your religious indoctrination. You cannot even bring yourself to respond to such statements, that's what a lock your religion has on your mind. All this claptrap about Christianity being a "relationship" rather than a religion is a 20'th century gloss on an old belief system. It's another way to keep the sheep in the fold.

BB asked "I wonder what must have happened in yourlife or everyone in this webiste's to take such an extreme stand and call lable yourself as an Ex-Christian."

Being an apostate is not an "extreme stand"; it's a decision that thousands of clear-thinking people make once they investigate the claims of Christianity. And to do that, of course, it takes the courage to actually examine the world outside your cult. You may think that you have that courage by coming here, but you have not yet shown any indication that you can think for yourself. As one example, there are hundreds of posts here that explain why we have rejected Christianity, yet you remain ignorant of them. Why is that? Were you unable to find any of them? Not even the webmaster's testimony?

BB "...I want to ask each and everyone of you how was your life when you were a Christian and how is it now that you have rejected Jesus? How do you feel when you deny the Holy Bible and and God's words. Do you have a testimony? I pray this will even cause you to seek for the truth."

BB, I would be happy to answer any questions you have, fully and honestly. But first you need to demonstrate that you are capable of hearing something other than affirmations of Christianity. Do you consider yourself to have an open mind? If so, please explain how it is that you have not located any of the testimonies posted here, or failed to understand a single one of them.

If you show that you are capable of entering into a dialog, I will gladly answer all of your questions, and in the process perhaps get you to realize that you are now locked in a cult. I'll be hoping for you.
Anonymous said…
Fuck off religious nutters!!
You pests!
Mary was an attractive young girl of 12 years old and she went to church every day to pray and so she was befriended by the local priest, whom she had built enormous trust, she started her period one day and was scared as any young girl would be, and consulted her priest and he told her she would have to be initiated into the Kingdom of Heaven, by way of Holy Immaculate Conception, she had no idea what that meant, she just knew she did not want to take a chance and end up in Hell, so he devised a plan to molest her. A couple of weeks later, the priest took Mary down to a room in the rear of the church, where they would not likely be seen, nor heard, and he advised her to follow his every command, and right there he had his way with Mary, unclothed her, kissed her passionately and inseminated her and she was with child, unbenounced to her, the priest told her not to tell anyone, otherwise she would undo her blessing soon to come, she just knew something didn't seem at all right.

Steven, that's just as unfounded information as the buybull itself is. It's all fictitious.
Steven Bently said…
Of both stories, which one do you propose has the most probability of being true?

1. The story about God sending his sperm down from heaven, by an angel to inseminate a virgin girl.

2. Or that a preacher raped and molested a 12 year old virgin girl and got her pregnant, 2000 years ago.

Which story has the most probability of being true?

Try answering honestly, instead of being sarcastic.
Anonymous said…
God Wants a Relationship With Us

Astreja said…
'Nony ninny, if your god wants an relationship with us it'll have to start existing first.

And then it can come by and tell us, in person, what it wants. No human messengers!

And then -- Only then -- Will *we* be in a position to decide if *we* want to have a relationship with such a being.
boomSLANG said…
Allah Wants a Relationship with Us!


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