The Wondrous Act of Hypocrisy that is Christianity

sent in by Kevin Cadman

I was quite a happy teenager, partying, drinking, girlfriends -- the usual. I've never been into drugs and never will be. I was a typical, run-of-the-mill teenager, getting up to a fair amount of mischief, but nothing serious. Then, my mother converted to Christianity. I'd always labelled myself as somewhat agnostic (although, at the time, I did not quite know what that term meant), as I didn't really have much of an interest in Christianity or any other religion - I simply enjoyed my life too much. I had no interest in changing my life. My brothers' conversion soon followed, and he too started attending the non-denominational, exceptionally happy-clappy church.

They were often on my case, asking my silly thought-provoking questions to try and get me thinking. None of it really worked, but I was vehemently assured that they were praying for me.

When I stopped and looked at my life, I didn't think there was something "missing" as my Christian family so colloquially implied. However, when I looked at my brothers' life, which seemed to be filled with happiness, I envied him. I started questioning what I believed in and considered the option that he may be on to something. I wasn't unhappy, I simply juxtaposed my genuine state of contentment with his newly found state of constant jubilation. Now, I'm sure you're all familiar with the situation of the stereotypical "Happy Christian." They're trained to act and think that way -- even when things are falling apart, they're adamant that everything is working "for the good who those who love Him." My brother was the epitome of this.

With time, I became bored of the clubbing and drinking scene. In my mind, you were either "social" or "Christian." I didn't quite stop to think that one can be a perfectly content atheist. With my new found boredom, I became somewhat susceptible to the surrounding cliche Christian suggestion. I then, against much protest from close friends, decided to give Christianity a try.

This in itself was not easy. My conversion was not dramatic or emotional. I simply decided I'm going to give it a try, went to the front, received Jesus into my life and went home somewhat indifferent towards the inevitable lifestyle change that lay ahead of me. Once I accepted Jesus as my "Lord and Saviour" I was determined to make a whole-hearted attempt at my new found passion. I firmly believe one must do something properly or not at all.

Upon investigation, I was most certainly "unequally yoked" with my "old" friends. I knew that if I was to do this properly, I had to cut them out of my life. I explained to them that I had been converted to Christianity and could no longer go out drinking and clubbing with them. If they wanted to socialize, we could do so at a coffee shop or, conveniently, at church. I was determined to meet them on my level, not theirs.

With time, I grew in my new found faith. I devoted myself to the study of the Bible, to praying and to fellowship with Christians. I was generally happy with my life. However, something was missing. I had yet to receive the inner revelation of a God, the "settling" of unbelief which is somewhat required to be a successful Christian. The advice I was given was to pray about it, and God will reveal himself to me. I prayed every single day; I read the Bible for hours; I took an interest in the "things of God" and expected results -- nothing came.

I then decided to start an informal study of Christian theology. I spent hours researching sites such as (Christian Apologetics Research Ministries), (Tektonics Ministries) and My thinking was: "If this God is so real, I must rid myself of all unbelief. I will take the advice given in Timothy (open to correction) where it states "Study to show yourself approved" and study Christian Theology. SURELY that will show me that Jesus really is "The way, the truth and the li(f)e." As you're probably guessing by now, the exact opposite happened. Through studying CHRISTIAN theology, I soon realized the countless number of assumptions and errors in the Christian faith. By this time, I'd became annoyed with myself as I was sick of the Christian life. I was tired of the falseness, the lies, the guilt and of course, the massive amounts of hypocrisy. I'd spent 2 years trying to convince myself that I do believe in Jesus and the doctrines of Christianity when in fact I didn't - not in the least! On the contrary, I found it quite comical. I then made the decision to leave.

For those of you who have left a church, I'm sure you can empathize with me when I say that this task is nowhere near easy. By this time, Christians and church activities were my life. I'd left my old friends behind and I felt completely trapped in a world where I was an outsider. I began a slow transition into atheism. I'd reached the logical conclusion that I simply do not have sufficient faith to subscribe to any religion. Also, I have no fear of death, thus rendering the main selling-point of Christianity somewhat moot.

Ironically, my "old" friends welcomed me as if I was never gone, although, almost inversely proportional to the "old" friends I was re-claiming, was the amount of "church" friends I was losing. The tables had turned, and now I was the one they were unequally yoked with.

Today, I'm a happy atheist. I still have many Christian friends, however, that number does not come close to the amount of people I assumed were my friends when in fact they were no more than "church greeters."

In conclusion, I've come to the decision that I shall remain an atheist until a God proves me otherwise. If this all-knowing, all-caring God really wants me in Heaven, He'll show up.

South Africa
Joined: 19
Left: 21
Was: Charismatic, Non-Denominational Christian, Happy Clappy, Pentecostal
Now: Atheist, Free-Thinker
Converted out of: Boredom, Curiosity
De-converted because of: Lies, Hypocrisy, Falseness, A Fallible Religion
email: kevin dot cadman at gmail dot com


Anonymous said…
I know that there are many hypocrits who claim to be Christians, but that does not mean that the faith in general is a lie. Christianity is a faith and even if you changed your mind about Christianity because of a "Christian" Theology than perhaps you never had enough faith to begin with.

There will be many times where you will interact with people Christians or not who will test your faith in Jesus Christ. Just because something or someone says it is "Christian" does not mean it is from God himself. Even pastors and those who claim to be religious can stray you away from what you believe in. I have gone through a lot in my life and even when it seems like there is no God I still have faith, because I know God will come through in the end.

I know you have decided to become an atheist, but I think you should reconsider Christianity again. If your brother and mother were so happy with it and you saw the change and transition it brought into their life then why can't it do the same for you?

It is a free gift and the reward of it is living in peace knowing there is a higher power watching over you. You are not afraid of death? Well, do you just believe when you die you just do not exist? There is something after death and it is greater than this life we live now.

Thanks for reading this and I hope you are open-minded about what I have said. God Bless!
Anonymous said…
SweetSharon1088 said...
I know you have decided to become an atheist, but I think you should reconsider Christianity again
Oh SweetSharon (who will never return--like all the rest of her kind),

Would this reconsidering, be something like giving castor-oil another try, as we might love the taste/texture the next time around?

You fail (like all xtians do) to understand it wasn't something we 'decided' per se.
It wasn't like choosing between two flavors of ice cream and 'deciding' we prefer vanilla or chocolate.

MOST of us here did not make some emotional decision as to whether your religion's god was real or not.
We based our conclusions on the evidence, or lack thereof.
So it would be impossible for us to 'reconsider' your god, that is, unless you're the first to present us with real evidence that your god is real and your bible is his words?

Until then naive Sharon, you can keep your phoney religion and it's promises.

ATF(who wonders if all these xtians learn their assertions from the same Parrot?)
Astreja said…
Sharon, your alleged "free gift" is not free. It is intellectual suicide. It is extortion based on fear and a hypothetically infinite power imbalance between Biblegod and the objects of its wrath. We found no peace in Christianity; that's why we reject it.

And you have no proof of the statement "There is something after death and it is greater than this life we live now." Rather than making an unsupported assertion, you would do better to phrase your opinions as such: "I believe that there is something after death..."

Like this:

I, Astreja, do not believe that My conscious mind, or anyone else's conscious mind, is physically capable of surviving the eventual death of the host body. I strongly suspect that the molecules that currently constitute "Me" will eventually be reused in other physical structures, and there is a good possibility that some of these structures will be sentient beings.

That is My version of life after death. It is scientifically plausible and requires no adherence to any particular system of religion.

And, unlike Christianity, it doesn't interfere with the serious business of living this life.
Spudman said…
Luke 6:46-49
The Wise and Foolish Builders
46"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say? 47I will show you what he is like who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice. 48He is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. 49But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete."

Hope this helps straight from Jesus lips

Dave Van Allen said…
I think it's interesting how Jesus' messages, which from the context in which the teachings are set, were intended as admonitions and practical applications toward personal piety. However, Christians invariably deflect these teachings as ways to criticize or condemn others.

How about DO NOT JUDGE, Christian? By citing Jesus words as a critique of anyone other than yourself, you are a hypocrite.

Jesus words are to you, but they are not yours to brandish at others.

And I don't even believe in Jesus!
boomSLANG said…
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
O! Ye better watch out!
Ye better not cry
Ye better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town!

'Hope this helps, straight from Santa's lips!

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