Christianity Is Dangerous I Should Know

sent in by Wesley Brown

When I was younger I remember I kept hearing the name Jesus while lying playing with colouring books under my church pew. My parents (my dad a United Methodist pastor) forced me to go to church and some church events (no choice). I hated it because I was always bored but the people were nice to me and the social time afterwards was cool. The vibrations were happy (New age lingo for feel of the room and people in it).

I didn’t question my faith at that time. I was a sore loser at my elementary school and not very many people wanted to hang out with me. I remember being pushed down by a bully and called retard a couple of times anyway this one girl named Jenny was the kindest girl I ever knew at that age. She put her arm around me and said “you know what even Jesus cried” I am very much like that now aided by my decision to leave Christianity.

Anyway when I was thirteen I was going through a lot of shit I hated my parents and I even threw stuff at the walls to tell them I didn’t want to live there anymore. I think some of that was triggered by the belief my parents forced on me that they called Christianity. I was very mad one night and crying and saying what my dad called the dreaded F word (Fuck) and finally after I got calmed down I got into an argument about religious beliefs and the fact is they convinced me “accept Jesus” then they assured me that I was going to heaven if I did this. I believed them and said the prayer something to the effect of we are all sinners I accept that you died for me and accept you into my heart.

I started to change then but noticed it was all driven by the fear that I am going to hell if I don’t confess and my parents warned me that it is better to confess now and get it over with so I confessed things that my parents taught me were sins. Christianity seems to think everything that is living is a sin. It is said in the bible (I don’t know where) something like this for even becoming angry with your parents is punishable to hell, but then somewhere else in the bible it says whoever comes to me and is not willing to hate their family for my sake is not my disciple what load of Bullshit (and my dad says it is a sin even to say that word even more ridicules).

To get to the point once I was so depressed I wanted to kill myself I turned to Christianity to give me more comfort NOT A FREAKING CHANCE it made my pain even worse with the worry that if I did that I could go to hell. I even had to go to the out patient clinic and get some medication and counselling. Now that I am over with those thoughts I am glad. I know those thoughts were partly due to the fact that I am no longer worried about hell. Now I am a very popular boy in high school and I like anyone who is kind and understanding with me. My dad even told me he is in support of them killing the crazy people over in Iraq. He also said he wants more laws governing things that people do that should be their right to do.

My heart goes out to all you people who are thinking of leaving Christianity I give my best wishes to you and I hope you find freedom. I love my friends too much to see a cult like this destroy their lives. If you are or will be raising kids tell them Christianity is wrong if they ask about it and get them involved in a positive religion like paganism, spiritualism, new ageism ect (Not Islam, or Satanism). I just want to say I hope the real god will show you the way (of course if you are an atheist he gives you the right to be that as I under stand it).

To the Christians: If you are in search of the real truth you will find it. I don’t hate you. I love the world enough to tell you what you are doing is wrong you can liberate your mind by knowing there is no hell, and that your friends who torment you with that idea are in fear of it themselves they are not able to be honest they are brainwashed.

City: Clinton
State: Mi
Country: USA
Became a Christian: 13
Ceased being a Christian: 16
Labels before: United Methodist
Labels now: Humanist, Newagest
Why I joined: My Parents Forced It On Me.
Why I left: Because I have seen the kindness of non christians and other people.


Anonymous said…
hello, I encourage you to sit down and think about yourself. Not those around you. What explains everything around you? Is it humanism? have you ever seen the way that Jesus' folowers really act? i know that this will be a laughable thing to read, but i am sorry for all of the mistakes made by "christians"
Anonymous said…
I too am sorry for all that has happened. I was abused in christianity. My strongest abuser was my own Pastor! Insted of running away from God, I ran to him. Sounds crazy, but I did. I found the turth about who he is,you can't look to man for answers only God can give, Even thought I begain hating God for what was happening to me, I still never gave up, I wanted the truth from him. I came to this; He is really a Father. God does care. God is all love.
Anonymous said…
I too am sorry for all that has happened. I was abused in christianity. My strongest abuser was my own Pastor! Insted of running away from God, I ran to him. Sounds crazy, but I did. I found the turth about who he is,you can't look to man for answers only God can give, Even thought I begain hating God for what was happening to me, I still never gave up, I wanted the truth from him. I came to this; He is really a Father. God does care. God is all love.
Anonymous said…
Actually disobedient children are not condemned to hell, you are actually supposed to stone them to death

"Ex 21:17"

So the great all loving God, who is not a psychopath at all.. wants us to murder every 6 year old who has ever had a temper tantrum.

Curse you God, you suck.
Anonymous said…
My dad even told me he is in support of them killing the crazy people over in Iraq. He also said he wants more laws governing things that people do that should be their right to do.
sounds like the tyical christian. I was also brought up on christianity, and i like you went down the same road. It sucks alot. But i argued with my perents, and i got lots of information and i won. Everytime, i proved there theorys wrong. But i just wanted to say, there are so many people that get christianity puched on them, and when they get to there teen they relize what fucking bullshit it is. Freaking crazy people worshiping a a man name jesus "son of god" and teaching love, compassion, and forgivness. Yet, all they do is hate, and "bully" (you could say) all the other religions, and all the things their "book of god" sais is wrong. Christianity is hate, and greed.
Anonymous said…
Some random thoughts...

The God of the Christians gives us free will and then punishes us for using it.

The God of the Christians loves us and knows even the number of hairs on our heads yet is oddly absent when people cry out to him in despair. Believers will then say that faith is a "mystery" and that we can't always understand God's ways.

The God of the Christians will allow a hurricane to level a town, and the three survivors that crawl out of the rubble will praise Jesus for the "miracle".

Christians that go on and on about Satan ignore the fact that in the Old testament, Satan worked for God. And Jehova Himself says that he is the author of good and evil.

Christians will focus on certain Biblical passages and ignore others. Leviticus clearly states that a man shouldn't cut his beard. Christian men shave. Yet homosexuality - which Jesus said nothing about - gets a higher importance rating. Cafeteria Christians.

Christianity destroyed immense beauty and knowledge that was our collective cultural inheritance from the ancient world. It appropriated virgin births, miracles, and sacred days. Appellations like "son of God" and "good shepherd" were given to other Gods before their religion appeared.

Bible oriented Christians forget that the first Christians didn't have Bibles. The Bible didn't exist until the institutional church gathered various books together and created it. If the "word" is the chief and only authority for Christians, then their church was without authority for a couple of centuries at least.

I don't hate Christianity per se. I do hate bigoted, non-thinking Christians who are obsessed with hell and damnation, who want to force everyone else in the country to tow their line, who believe that America should be Jesus Land, who foster hatred towards others, and who are obsessed with who loves who and with who believes what.
eel_shepherd said…
Hans wrote:
"...The God of the Christians loves us and knows even the number of hairs on our heads yet is oddly absent when people cry out to him in despair..."

He's busy, okay? He's probably counting the hairs on someone's head.
SEO said…
For me, it’s the idea that a benevolent god would test someone’s loyalty with suffering. It’s like he pins you down, and twists your arm while shouting: “Say you love me! Say you love me, Bitch! Say it again! You think this hurts?! How about a little fire?!"
Anonymous said…
what exactly have you sat down and actually studied about the bible? have you made it only as far as the whole condemnation aspect of it. in case you didn't know, thats the effect you're supposed to get when reading God's word and His laws. you're supposed to feel that condemnation that would make you feel depressed. but you're not supposed to stop there. read romans chapters 5 through 8, the book of galations. the promise of a savior was given to abraham 400 years prior to the Law, therefore strengthing the fact that the Law wasn't the means of salvation. faith in the savior was the means. the Law was put there so that the people would realize that they couldn't get to heaven without a savior because if they tried on their own they would get into the state of depression that you are very well familiar with.
TheJaytheist said…
"what exactly have you sat down and actually studied about the bible?"

Who are you asking? If this is directed at all of us at this site then I suppose I should respond.

I read the bible. Have you?

"the promise of a savior was given to abraham 400 years prior to the Law, therefore strengthing the fact that the Law wasn't the means of salvation."

Then do you agree that the biblegod created a lot of people that he knew he would eventually put in his hell because the just happen to be born before the "savior"? Is moses in hell? Seems to me that it's unjust to those that came before.

" the Law was put there so that the people would realize that they couldn't get to heaven without a savior because if they tried on their own they would get into the state of depression that you are very well familiar with."

Are you saying that the pre-christ israelites were all depressed? Sounds like an o.k. argument to me given that they had NO reason to think that they could ever get to heaven since they didn't have a "savior" yet and were forced to uphold a set of "laws" that they knew they couldn't, that were supposedly handed down to them from a god that knew they were going to hell anyway.

Why not skip the giving of the law and go right to giving them a savior?

Better yet, just stop creating people that are going to go to hell?

The biblegod is unjust for creating people that he knows will be tortured forever.

Your gods a dick.

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