God Hates You!

sent in by Brett Keane

The first time I questioned the faith was when my grandmother shrivaled up in front of me for 6 month’s due to cancer. I was 13 & my mother & father was getting a divorce. My father told me i should have been aborted. I prayed to God but nothing fails like prayers. I continued going to church mostly because i felt i could help people with food. My desire was to help people in need. I was put out of a church because i argued with the preacher about giving food to a woman with 5 kids. He said she had been in 3 weeks ago & policy was people had to wait a month before returning. I ask him if this was god’s policy. He told me to get the hell out! My best friend tried to convince me to stay in the faith but 2 month’s later he was hit by a drunk driver. He was killed leaving behind a wife who was pregnant. He never seen his child. The love of god is so great.

I started writing books,designing websites,& music. 3 years ago my mother was sick from cancer & prayed to god to end her suffering. God did not come through so she killed herself. I spent 6 month’s in a children’s hospital watching over my sick baby. During this time i seen no faith healers. What i did see what babies dying & know Jesus or wonderful gospel music.

Now i will explain what i seen in church besides the pers. Stuff.I have witnessed Christians lie their ass off. I have seen them steal from one another. Most of them i have met are uneducated & brainwashed. I have researched & found no Jesus. Jesus is no more real that peter pan. I was christian for more than 15 years & never seen nor heard God. I have only observed the crap these people sell to children. It makes me sick how they push their shit on everyone & if the person does not bow they will defame that person. I have been on both sides. These people are like the borg off star trek.Christianity is a disease.Education is the cure.

Rest in peace Religion,

Come see Christians molesting kids & raping women also muslims killing each other...religion is crap!...also check out my book at http://godhatesyou.org

Sex: Male
URL: godhatesyou.org
City: Festus
State: Missouri
Country: United States
Became a Christian: Brainwashed at birth
Ceased being a Christian: 6 years ago
Labels before: Baptist,Catholic,Pent,Tried everything but door knocking
Labels now: Reality Based Atheist
Why I joined: I was brainwashed as a child
Why I left: Something told me Santa was not coming.
Email Address: brett_keane at yahoo.com


Anonymous said…
well my life has not been a bed of roses either but its like Peter said where else could I go.. I would rather love God dispite this life then feel I am encouraging people not to believe.. We must endure to the end..UMM endure what? Its different for all.. Read the book of Job unbelievable.. God wont let you go even if you want to.. you will see that whether this life is long, short, great, or it sucks, it will end for us all and those who remain faithfull will be rewarded.. Lets hope.. God can be so tough sometimes..
Anonymous said…
I turned away from Christianity as well, because I believe it is the seat of Satan after reading in Our Holy( unholy, lying ) bible just how evil the Jewish God, than the Christian God is.

Christians claim how loving their God is, but if they opened their bibles and read everything in the Gospels, not just the good things, they will find out just how hateful their God is. Their God can't even tell the truth.

Not only have I abandoned Christianity, but I've also abandoned Judaism as well since I see a lot of parallels.

We all would be better off without religion and that is what I will be preaching too.

Unfortunately, I became a reverend before abandoning these wicked and hateful religions. But, now I will be a reverend of opposition.
Anonymous said…
Your mom got cancer because she ate animals. God hates that.
Anonymous said…
it seems that you deny the existence of God because of all of the bad things that have happened to you. but you are fail to see that even in the most miserable life, God still gives us more than we deserve. we are evil and if God dealt with us as we deserve, we would all evaporate into hell smoke the minute of conception and spend an eternity in writhing anguish. but we don't. so thank God, obey God, don't be a fool; read the bible. listen to John MacArthur at www.gty.org
Anonymous said…
Annony, you're an idiot. Nothing much else to be said about you. Sorry, I really tried. -Wes.
Astreja said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Astreja said…
Anony said: "...We are evil and if God dealt with us as we deserve, we would all evaporate into hell smoke the minute of conception and spend an eternity in writhing anguish."

Ah, I see. So your torturer-god sees us, the puny mortals, as irredeemably evil?

And you think it's a good thing to obey such a sadistic imaginary ogre?

All because you read some ridiculous stories in an ancient book which was plagiarized from even older mythology?

And you honestly believe that if we sit down and reread stories about talking snakes, magic boats full of animals, and zombies rising up to heaven, we'll start to think like you?

(You're right, Wes... The stoopid is strong with this one.)
Anonymous said…
Anon said:

"it seems that you deny the existence of God because of all of the bad things that have happened to you. but you are fail to see that even in the most miserable life, God still gives us more than we deserve. we are evil and if God dealt with us as we deserve, we would all evaporate into hell smoke the minute of conception and spend an eternity in writhing anguish. but we don't. so thank God, obey God, don't be a fool; read the bible. listen to John MacArthur at www.gty.org"

First off Anon person, you're a coward for not having the tiny bit of courage needed, to pick a name for yourself, nor even any pseudo-name within your LAME hell-fire post.

I seem to recall something along the lines of your Jesus instructing his followers to not be afraid in spreading his 'good word'.
Does your god allow cowards like you into your heaven? Just wondering, because if you don't make it to heaven then you might go....where?
So please, find courage because I'd hate to have you as a bunk-mate in our non-believers hell community.

Now for the rest of your foolish ideas:

1. God does NOT give anyone "more than they deserve"...Why... simply because there is no bible god to do that, FOOL!!
In contrast to your assumption, if your god did exists then he allows even his most devoted believers to suffer far more than a compassionate loving god ever would. In fact, one would think he would take care of his own, but yet they suffer things like poverty and disease as much as the next fellow does. Try explaining that one to all of us---- FOOL.

2. I can't speak for everyone here, but I'm sure not 'evil', nor do I need any saving from your fantasy torture chamber of hades either.
Who told you that we were evil....your make-believe god book? I'm willing to bet you that we atheist (as a group) are statistically far less evil than you bible thumping fools are. Care to bet me on that anon coward?

3. As far as your buddy...John MacArthur goes. He's just one more low-life greedy money making hound, who found an easy way to get folks to hand over their hard earned cash to him, so he can be rich and cozy while many of them go-without.

Did you notice had no problem building this fancy expensive church we see on his site. It's only a matter of time before he makes the nightly news, like so many others of his kind eventually do.

4. Like so many others of your breed, you think we are fools for not obeying your personal godhead.
How about using whatever brain your god MIGHT have given you and show us proof that YOUR god is real and that this hell you claim exists, really awaits us non-believers.

Trust me, you have ZERO proof and you know it, so stop preaching your trash to us, as we know it's contents far better than you do.

Now go run and hide back into your fantasy world of religion, where all cowards like you need to hide from an earthly reality.

Anonymous said…
(You're right, Wes... The stoopid is strong with this one.)

I just wish there was a cure for it. That's all. -Wes.
Anonymous said…
I to am now anti christian. My entire life has sucked horribly and I since childhood have always prayed to god to show me some relief and he never has. I don't know if I'm an athiest though. I feel that there is a god just that i am not chosen to be one of his people. I have read Job and all it shows is Gods utter disregard for human life and his enormous ego. You cannot compensate losing your entire family, for a new one, some people are driven mad from such an occurance. Losing your loved ones is something you can never forget. And if Job was a real person he was extremely brain washed if he was ever able to get over losing his family. Job is the sickest example of how God feels about us humans. Where nothing but mere toys to him. At most a game he likes to play with sometimes.
Anonymous said…
Of course if you reaseach you aren't going to find jesus. He is not straight forward, not black and white print.
We can’t see knowledge, but that doesn’t mean there is no such thing! We can learn and show knowlegeable behaviour, in the same way we can learn and show godly behaviour. We cannot see God, we cannot reaseach him, but he is still there.
There is always going to be some bad people, mascarading as christians, and sometimes there is too many to sort through. I've been around the world, i have seen revivals in nations and i have seen healing, be it small or large. I am only young, 14, but i feel i have a better understanding of my faith in God than you have reasons for having no faith in god. Yes, bad things happen to good people, but so do good things. Job (In the bible) had all good things then all bad, you just have it the wrong way around. Just wait, it may be longer than you think, but god has not turned his back on you as you have to him.

Anonymous said…
KB wrote:
> "Of course if you reaseach you aren't going to find jesus....We can’t see knowledge, but that doesn’t mean there is no such thing"

Knowledge exists inside living beings, or is stored statically (books, storage media) in some fashion by those same living breathing beings.
So either you're saying that knowledge is really a living entity in itself, or that your god is a static non-breathing construct, like knowledge in a book would be.

There is NO direct comparison between these two, wouldn't you now agree?

> We cannot see God, we cannot reaseach him, but he is still there.

I'm sure that at age 14, you are as convinced as we were at that young age, that god is real.
Of course, we never asked to see the proof at that age, anymore than you will do now.
It was all so magical in our childhood days, as I'm sure it is for you still, just the same way we once were sure Santa and the Easter Bunny were factual creatures.

>I've been around the world, i have seen revivals in nations and i have seen healing, be it small or large.

I'm curious why you talk about small AND large revivals, as if perhaps the size has something to do with god's chances of showing up at one.
Is there something about the larger numbers in a huge revival that would make god WANT to show up MORE, than in a smaller revival?

Wouldn't a god who is EVERYWHERE show up just as easily for a two person revival as a two million one?
Shouldn't god answer a prayer from a single soul with the same consideration as he would give to a dozen souls praying for the same thing?
Shouldn't it be the importance of the thing being prayed for that counts, and not so much the quantity of folks doing the praying?

As far as the healing you are so sure about goes.....

We've covered this important topic on this site time and time again. In fact if you search on HEALING and HEAL you'll find plenty to read here.

Now while you believe you saw actual healings going on during these revivals you attended, what you really witnessed were one of two things instead.

1. What you saw was staged by the religious leader and his underlings to make you believe.

2. The infliction healed wasn't a true illness or defect, but rather something so subjective that you have no means to ascertain if that person was truly healed or not.
If someone is in great pain, the strong emotions of going thru this healing ritual can actually reduce that pain temporarily, making the person feel they've been healed.
Of course if the pain was long-term in nature, it returned at some point to that person, but you never would have seen that happen, nor would such a non-healed person dare question that god changed his mind for his/her healing.

Now here's the clincher to know if what you saw was real or not....

Did you see any armless or legless people grow back missing limbs during any of these many healings from god. Anyone with a glass eye suddenly have a working human eye when they left?
Any bald person start growing back long thick hair before your very eye's? (and I don't mean some quick blink-of-an-eye magic trick)

How about some meager missing fingers or toes then?
Did you see the stub of a missing finger suddenly start to grow into a new finger?


Did you know personally, any person who had a physical long term VISABLE ailment that was cured at such a revival. No, I'm not talking about a sore-throat or cold, not even cancer, but something far more verifiable in nature, like the missing limb I mentioned etc.?

All you could have seen and in fact, DID SEE, were things staged to get folks to fork over their money, or were nothing more than any placebo effect device would have done for these folks.

Hate to burst your young bubble KB, but there is zero evidence to prove the existence of your god and any evidence a xtian cites is either in their own minds or was provided by folks with an agenda to want you to believe in their version of the godhead.

If your god was performing miracles all over this world today, the actions of those miracles would be clearly evident to EVERYONE and not just a select few of his followers.

Anonymous said…
Bo is an idiot. Job is one of the worst stories in the bible to tell someone who's life basically is the story of Job. Is he supposed to feel better knowing that he's not the only person god is taking a piss on? God smote Job because Satan asked him to. For a fucking bet. And did you happen to read all the way to the end? God redeems nothing. He shits on Job....end of story. This is beside the point anyway. That story was written by some jewish guy a long time ago. It has nothing to do with god anymore than the teenage mutant ninja turtles do. I dont doubt there is or was a god, but he has long since died or given up, or he simply hates us. And he never wrote a book that's for certain. If you believe that, you've been indoctrinated. If there is nothing that exists that isn't gods and god is all things, then he is certainly an asshole, inconsiderate, a mass-murderer, and a cruel dictator. People attribute those traits to "Satan", but its all God. "for it is by him all things are made. "
Go fuck yourself bo.

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