Why I Left: Problems and Unanswered Questions Regarding Christianity and theism
Sent in by Benjamin Anderson First thing's first, this is copied from my blog on blogspot: www.benjamintc.blogspot.com . If what I write interests you, please visit my blog and comment on what I write. What Keeps Me Up at Night My childhood and early teen years revolved significantly around Christianity. I was raised by two Lutheran parents, attending church at least once a week, praying before meals and bedtime, and celebrating all the important Christian holidays. By the time I turned 16, (over 4 years ago) I had gone through a lengthy process of expunging my faith in God, Jesus and Christianity. Too many problems with piled up; too many questions were left unanswered. The result, although far from immediate, was me settling upon atheism as the most accurate set of beliefs regarding the realities of our world. I don't recall what I felt exactly at the time, but these days, from time to time, I almost wish that was the end of the story. I found the truth, so why can't I g...