My Son

sent in by J.H. Milivojevic

if my mother loved me so much

then why did she lie to me so much

why did she try to make me believe in magic

why did she try to make me believe in life after death

why did try to make me believe that god hears me when I tell a lie

why did she try to make me believe that we will all be together again after we die

do you believe in magic

have you ever believed in magic

haven’t you always appreciated good sleight of hand

haven’t you always appreciated a good demonstration of defiance of the laws of nature?

a coin disappears into thin air

a rabbit appears out of nowhere

Jesus dies a horrible agonizing death – then comes back to life

[god knows why…who would want to come back to such torture?]

eventually my mother explained to me about the tooth fairy

then later about santa claus

but she has continued to hang on to the magic of jesus

what a dirty joke

now she’s old and scared because she suspects she really will be punished for all the really bad stuff she did during her life – it just seems too easy to get off simply by believing in the magic.

let’s see….

she hurt my dad by flirting and sleeping around while married to him

she had those two kids by another man, but she made my dad put his name on the birth certificate – twice!

she emotionally abandoned me when she fell in love with that guy

and she did even worse with poor little Patti

she never would stand up for Mary when dad attacked her and put her down so bad

she did all that bad stuff and yet they’ve been telling her all her life that she will be forgiven simply by believing that jesus is the true son of god

but what about dressing the wounds?

what about addressing the injuries?

What about apologizing?

What about acknowledging those hurts?

this might be the very, very worst crime that christianity is guilty of

Joined: 11
Left: 12
Was: southern baptist
Now: atheist
Converted under: parental guidance
De-converted becuase of: clear thinking
email: jaquine at


Dave Van Allen said…

Okay, let's suppose that this god of yours is the one true god.

Now, when I get before him, he's going to damn me for eternity, right? I'm going to live eternally in horrific unending horror - am I right on?

Okay fine.

My temporal sins are going to be justly dealt with by a never ending retributive punishment.

I would like you, Wes, to tell us here exactly what horrific crimes you've committed in your life that you believe you deserve to be torured for, not just a little while, but for ever and ever and ever? What crime or crimes do you think you've done that justify an eternity of woe?

The trouble with your god's sense of justice is that it's not nearly as well developed as modern man's. The punishment should fit the crime, don't you think? Really, the only sin that will send me to your god's hell is the sin of unbelief.


Sounds kind of petty to me. I don't believe in you so I get tortured?

Think about it Wes.
Valerie Tarico said…
painful and beautiful, J.H. You will find that this is a community of healing. People who are comfortable in Christianity rarely ask the hard questions - it's feeling raw that makes the falsehoods transparent and sends us searching for something better. Welcome.

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