How long does it take before you feel normal again?
Image by SoStark via Flickr Sent in by by Kathlene Wow, I am so glad I found this site. I am now only on my second day of turning away from God and it is so liberating on one hand, but terrifying on the second. My journey has taken 3 years, so it wasn't an overnight decision although it feels like it. I feel like I have taken my own brain back and I am giving myself permission to have my own thoughts. I am 35yrs old and I became born-again when I was 22. I was so young and naive back then. My husband and I had just broken up and I was angry, lost and hurt. My best friend had become a born-again Christian . I went to visit her and gave my life literally up. I am still in the anger phase of how many years I have lost by not living. I spent the next years alone raising my son. I became very active in a charismatic church and got right into the gifts of the spirit and speaking in tongues , etc. I was on fire for God and nothing would stop me. During this time though, I...