Thank-you God for opening my mind
Sent in by Trudy H I am beginning a journey to find truth. The problem with religion, all religions, including Christianity, is the belief theat they have all the answers. The truth is, no one can ever have all the answers. We are all on a journey to find truth. As soon as you become part of a religion you get a "package of beliefs," and you no longer need to search for truth or answers: You are right and everyone else is wrong. Anything that stops you from thinking, growing, searching is not beneficial. Truth should cause you to open up, not close up. People come to church for friendship, fellowship, comfort, etc. which are good things to find, but it is a high price to pay if you no longer are able to challenge beliefs or search for truth. Thank-you God for opening my mind. Help me to continue to search for truth. I wrote this yesterday while sitting in my church. I have just started on this journey. I was raised in a good Christian home. It is hard for me to th...