Religion is bullshit

Sent in by Jamie Q

I am sorry this is long but this is My Story.

I was not born in a Christian family, in fact far from it. My brother and I was raised by our dad alone. Although I remember as a five year old visiting a local church with my mom only a handful of times before they divorced religion was never brought up in our house. I don’t remember my dad talking about religion at all (except after I became a Christian when he told me that he didn't want to talk about it). In fact, my dad was your typical grade A ‘heathen’. Don't get me wrong, he was an awesome father, there was no doubt that he cared for me and my brother, but he definitely loved the ladies and going out to the local honky-tonk. Plus with him being a Vietnam vet made him a little rough around the edges. Out of me and my brother I was the quiet easy-natured one interested in academics while he was the athlete. I was shy and unassuming and generally very naïve.

When I started seriously dating at 14 I met a girl whose family was big into church. I decided to visit her youth group at the local United Methodist Church so we could hang out. I was told I had to get ‘saved’ before I could go to Discipleship Youth Camp. The youth director sat me down and walked me along the ‘Romans Road’ to salvation. At that point I didn’t care and was willing to say anything to hang out with her. It was at camp being exposed to all the indoctrinization and emotionalism that stirred my heart, but what really sealed the deal for me was all the acceptance I got that I never got before. When I got back from camp I made a confession of faith in front of the church and when everyone cheered for me I became hooked. I dived in hard to reading the bible and getting as involved as I could in every program and event being offered. I strove to excel and began very early on being involved in several different leadership type positions. I was even sent to a nation-wide youth leaders convention to ‘train’ future leaders in the UMC.

On the home front my dad was very upset that I became religious. The stuff really hit the fan when I told him that I was giving up my life long dream of being a doctor and becoming a preacher/pastor. He told me that there were two things he would NEVER talk with me about: politics and religion. I was very discouraged because I prayed how could I lead my dad to Jesus if I couldn’t talk to him about it. My ‘answer’ was to let my life be an ‘example’.

After I broke up with my first serious girlfriend I met another girl in high school who would become my future wife. She was going to a Pentecostal church and her and I clashed as I thought her and her speaking in tongues was ‘of the devil’. She invited me to a revival and I went reluctantly. I ended up having a religious mystical (and very flaky) experience that convinced me to start speaking in tongues. Her step-father was a leader in the church and he took me under his wing and started teaching me all the charismatic stuff. He and I were very close. Still extremely naïve I overlooked a lot of inconsistencies in his home life, as he put on a good show at church but was living a bad example at home, and condemning my wife and her siblings for not living up to his level of ‘holiness’ like he thought they should. This convinced my wife to move out on her own. After some bad things went down in the church we were going to, an Assembly of God, where the preacher was cornering and fondling women, including my mother-in-law, and the previous pastor got caught masturbating on the interstate highway, I left the church.

About this time, while I was in college at a liberal arts university, I had a class on logic and critical thinking. I almost gave up completely on god as I began to realize how ignorant ‘blind faith’ was. But I wasn’t willing to make the leap so struggled through the rest of my ‘atheist’ professor’s classes and ended up quitting college not long after. I knew I had to get back into church and immerse myself and quit hearing about thinking critically and objectively.

I started visiting a lunch bible study of a pastor looking to form a non-denominational charismatic church in our town. He was very down to earth and spoke to me on my level and also had a high level of personal integrity (or so I thought) so I decided to get plugged into what he was doing. After he established a church in our town he felt ‘lead’ to move back to his home state of Pennsylvania to start a church. The guy who took over was a layman in our congregation. I really hated this guy…seriously. I didn’t think the guy had any real common sense and he was always preaching hateful condemning messages disguised in slick flowery ‘god loves you so much’ bunk. I was involved in leadership and one time he asked me to do something extremely immoral. I refused and he decided to convene a ‘jury’ of my peers (other leaders in the church) to condemn me. I refused to participate and told him that if he didn’t want me there all he had to do was say so. Needless to say they used the session as a time for character assassination of me (very Christian like). It pissed my father-in-law and my best friend off so much that they left the church a few months later after I did. The pastor thrived on bully tactics to get his way and since I was growing up and learning to not be so naïve I decided to get the hell out of there. I also had a problem with the doctrine and beliefs, as this church was very involved in the Word-of-Faith movement with leaders like Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, and Creflo Dollar. Of course they preached the typical ‘only we have the REAL truth’, and although their bullshit theologies convinced the ignorant masses I wasn’t exactly convinced.

My wife and I started attending in a city 50 miles away a church of a friend of ours who was the pastor . Although this pastor operated with a high level of personal integrity (again, so I thought) he was still preaching doctrines that irked me. And since it was such a long drive and my wife and I were desiring community we quit going. It was at this time that I started reading stuff about ‘messianic judaism’ and the ‘hebraic-roots’ of the Christian faith. I figured the best way to live a Christian life is to live and think how Jesus would have thought. I started learning the ‘pagan roots’ of a lot of the Christian tradition so I began rejecting a lot of the basic tenets of Christianity. Again I dived in head first in my personal studies, completely getting rid of all my word of faith books and buying all the messianic jewish stuff. I also started buying traditional jewish books to learn more about 1st century thought and practice in Judaism. My wife wasn’t real keen at first about messianic Judaism, but later came around after she started reading a few of my books. While involved in many messianic jewish forums and websites I got exposed to the thought and belief that Yeshua (Jesus real name in his native tongue) was not god as evangelical Christianity taught, but that he was only a man, as Judaism teaches about the messiah that they are still expecting.

After I realized that Yeshua wasn’t god I started snowballing further into questioning everything Christianity had to say. I finally was convinced through several jewish anti-missionary sites that Christianity was bunk so I denied jesus and Christianity. But I still wasn’t ready to start thinking objectively so I started studying up on orthodox Judaism and conversion. My wife had a conniption after finding out that I gave up on jesus and said basically it would be a cold day in hell before she converted to Judaism and denied jesus. So I was left with the jewish teaching of being a Noachide. I wasn’t happy with this choice and began to realize that even Judaism had some serious issues just like Christianity, that they worked very anachronistically in their theologies and that they weren’t open to dissenting opinions either, and that they had some serious flaws as well.

I think the biggest thing that really convinced me on the errors of Christianity and Judaism was in the area of biblical criticism. Both religions solely depend on the truth of the Bible and without that they don’t have a leg to stand on. And since I wasn’t convinced what either fundamentalist group had to say about the bible I realized that it was all bunk and lies. Then it hit me….it’s all bullshit!

I was severely pissed off because I just wasted 12 years of my life and thousands of dollars on nothing more than bullshit. But yet it was like a freakin’ ton of bricks had been lifted off my shoulders. There was no longer a burden to perform like a monkey in a circus, I could now live my life how I see fit. And that’s what I intend to do. My wife is still struggling with the whole issue, she thinks I have really flipped my lid, but I trust that my wife will come around.

And after all these years I have a renewed respect for my father, who was his own man and didn’t give into all the fake bullshit religion had to offer, that he told all those bible thumpers where they could stick their holey book. If I could only be half the man he is for the rest of my life, I think I would be very happy.

And by the way, I like saying bullshit and not feeling like I am going to burn in hell for saying it, so here it is... Religion is bullshit!!!


Anonymous said…
that's great! welcome to the other side. question everything!
Anonymous said…
pastor got caught masturbating on the interstate highway

That image...too funny!
Anonymous said…
James Q:

Sounds like a hell of a journey. I am glad for you that you have found your way to a way of life that doesn't violate your own sense of what's right. Good place to be. Enjoyed your comments about your father--funny how religion gives us a filter through which we are supposed to judge, convert/condemn those closest to us. Good luck.
Anonymous said…
"I was involved in leadership and one time he asked me to do something extremely immoral. I refused and he decided to convene a ‘jury’ of my peers (other leaders in the church) to condemn me."

This happened to my husband and I when we asked a man we were in ministry to get help for his alcohol addiction before working with drug addicted teens. He basically said that his life didn't matter because the holy spirit would work through him, then he and his wife lied to the elders in the church about us. The other couple sided against us because they didn't want to put the ministry aside, even though they had told us they knew of the addiction. Then in the elders meeting, the guy who knew we were telling the truth, stood up and screamed that we are liars. Nice.

Glad you got yourself out of christianity! Thanks for sharing your story.

Anonymous said…
Great story, so glad you found your way to the truth. You may have considered this already -- your wife may not "come around" as you hope. Following your father's example, you must be your own man, no matter what conclusion she may reach. Best wishes to both of you.
Anonymous said…
If you're still about...

Is your Dad still alive?


Grandpa H
Anonymous said…
Yes, my dad is still alive, in fact he and I are very close. And with my 'new found beliefs' I am making every minute count. He really is my hero and will always be, and I tell him that all the time, and that I love him everytime.

If you would humor me a little bit more I'd like to tell you a really cool story about my dad. Being an ex-drill sergeant he was very tough, and at 58 I think he could still kick some major ass if need be. But everyday before he went to work while I was still asleep he would come into my room and kiss me on me on my forehead and tell me he loved me. I never knew he did it until I turned 16 and I woke up one morning shocked after he did it. He told me he had been doing every night since my brother and I were born. He don't care who sees but every time even now he gives me the biggest bear hugs.

I want to be the same kind of loving father to my own kids. He really is a hell of a guy!
Anonymous said…
Yes, my dad is still alive, in fact he and I are very close. And with my 'new found beliefs' I am making every minute count. He really is my hero and will always be, and I tell him that all the time, and that I love him everytime.

If you would humor me a little bit more I'd like to tell you a really cool story about my dad. Being an ex-drill sergeant he was very tough, and at 58 I think he could still kick some major ass if need be. But everyday before he went to work while I was still asleep he would come into my room and kiss me on me on my forehead and tell me he loved me. I never knew he did it until I turned 16 and I woke up one morning shocked after he did it. He told me he had been doing every night since my brother and I were born. He don't care who sees but every time even now he gives me the biggest bear hugs.

I want to be the same kind of loving father to my own kids. He really is a hell of a guy!
Anonymous said…
"True, "Religion is bullshit"

Thats why Christ came and died to set men free from bullshit Religion

Christ, sets you free from this bull-shit.
You are free to do as you see fit, but, men do not tell the truth of the scriptures, they add their bullshit to it, and thus make it religious bull-shit. TYhats why they murdered Christ they love their bull-shit more than the one who created them. wnhio came to set free from the do's and dont's laws of slavery thats what the OT laws of Moses, were,laws of slavery!
Anonymous said…
I hear with regret of that you left God. Surprisingly, you were a faithful christian who believed in God for 12 years. Therefore, it makes me feel sorry.

There are many cases that those who believe God left the church because they were dissapointed when thay saw bad things that other believers did. I also believe that it is a big problem that believers have. Most non-believers see God through seeing believer's attitude,behavior,and life. Namely, the christian should be an example to others.

Even if you left the church, God never leave you and he is always with you.

I wholeheartedly want you back to God. I strongly believe that God also want you back to Him.

You were a Christian so you became a son of God. Still, you are a child of God. If you back yo god and confess your sin that you left God in a while, He will forgive you.
Anonymous said…
Good story I can relate.I was also into the Christian Bullshit for 7 years..When I was in my teens and early 20's..I also went to various churches like you did. Gave 100's if not 1,000s of dollars to that fake crap! I also seen the folley of the so called "religious folk"and that they were some of the WORSE scandrels.You talked about your dad...See he seen right through these folk for what they were.
I was also Methodist..In the church I was a member of the pastor left his wife and 4 kids for a 19 year old girl he impregnated.The youth pastor commited suicide becasue he was gay. "sad he could have had help" 5 members all male were having affairs..It was a true carnival! I left that church and went to a "like you" tounges church called Apostolic Assemble. At first all seemed good....until the Pastor wanted to sleep with me..and the youth leader was stalking me..I had to leave that! I even called the police on the youth pastor and they gave him a restraning order.
So I went to anouther church becasue I still felt Christanity was the way to go. It was a United Methodist.I was there for 6 months...This church took the gold medal! I was near raped by a deacon in the church.
I am now in a spiritual mess...I dont know what to believe! But one thing for sure I am staying the hell away from a church!!!I think its all a bunch of BS.
Dave Van Allen said…
The the fundy-anony-bots:

Christianity is a religion.

1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, esp. when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
-- Dictionary.Com
jimearl said…
From another anonymous:

"True, "Religion is bullshit"

"Thats why Christ came and died to set men free from bullshit Religion"

We only know this "Christ" because of bullshit religion. Since we learned of "Christ" only thru bullshit religion, then "Christ" is bullshit as well.

As for your wife, it's true she may not come around, but a positive outlook is great. If she looks at religion without the blinders of faith, she may well come around. Let it happen on its own. Rejoice in your new found freedom. Reality is great.
Anonymous said…
Dear Jamie Q,


I hope someday your wife will follow you...

By the way, i always kiss my only son before i go to work too..

Be good father like your father..

Just LOVE your father, your wife, your children....

And HATE religion. Religion is disease. Deadly virus. Malfunctioning your brain.
Anonymous said…
To Jim Earl:

I am somewhat offended by your "Christ is Bullshit" comment.

Jesus Christ is not Bullshit.
Jesus Christ is imaginary.
The religion that men (and women) have created in the name of this mythical creature... that is Bullshit.

Please do not confuse the two.

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